CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Derivatives & Dilution..............

The next big shoe to drop in America's quagmire of greed will probably be in the clearing of derivatives trades.

If you are a regulator Citi would be the likely place to look first.

Isn't anyone out there complaining about the $37,000,000,000 of American financial companies that foreigners have bought recently? Common shareholders don't seem to complain about their dilution anymore, what's up with that?

Maybe they should take a lesson from Mr. Real Estate himself, Sam Zell on how not to get diluted.

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