CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Monday, November 30, 2009


On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone is zero. This big bull met his match over the last couple of years and this is how I found him last week. Walking up a steep incline which really doesn't reflect in the picture he looked much smaller when I first glanced at the horns. I found one of his "ivory" teeth and the carcass bones hadn't been scattered widely which is the case when bigger predators are munching on an animal. I wonder if it were a lion kill, old age, an arrow, a hunters bullet or a pack of coyotes that put him down. He was a majestic animal in his day and that bone still reflects the power and grace of bull elk.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Congrats Hunter Parisian!

The Parisian Family has a Yellow Jacket in the house! Congratulations on your acceptance and becoming a member of the Georgia Tech Class of 2014!

Thanksgiving Wishes

Wishing our friends and clients happiness in this season of gratitude.

Your loyalty to Chippewa Partners is much-appreciated and thank you for your trust in managing your serious retirement money.

I am taking a few days away with Hunter to replenish my spirit and will be back in the office on November 30th. Am headed to the sage and gumbo where these boys live.

It's Friday and options expire........

Four Catholic men and a Catholic woman were having coffee after mass. The first Catholic man tells his friends, "My son is a priest and when he walks into a room, everyone calls him 'Father'."

The second Catholic man chirps, "My son is a Bishop. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Grace'."

The third Catholic man says, "My son is a Cardinal. When he enters a room everyone says 'Your Eminence'."

The fourth Catholic man says, "My son is the Pope. When he walks into a room people call him 'Your Holiness'."

Since the lone Catholic woman was sipping her coffee in silence, the four men gave her a look and said, "Well....?"

She proudly replies, "I have a daughter, slim, tall, 38 Double D breasts, 24" waist, and 34" hips. When she walks into a room, people say, "Oh My God."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

From a conservative Native American............

Somebody has to say it...............

Unemployment currently stands at 10.2%, the highest in a quarter-century. The stimulus failed and now even more people are out of work.

Rather than creating jobs, the $787 billion pork-filled spending bill has created more debt and more deficits that every American citizen has to pay for in the middle of a recession.

Implicitly acknowledging the failure of the stimulus, the Obama administration has now announced a "Jobs Summit" on December 3rd.

For an administration actively promoting the adoption of job killing health, energy, and labor legislation, holding a "Jobs Summit" is more theater while millions of Americans struggle to find work.

Consider the reco rd of the job killing politicians:

They promised us that the $787 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%, but unemployment has been above 8% since February.[1] They promised us the stimulus would "create immediate jobs,"[2] yet more than 4 million jobs have been "lost and dislocated" since President Obama signed it into law.[3] Without reading it, they rammed through a 1,400-page energy tax in the House,[4] which will cost each taxpayer thousands of dollars in higher energy costs and result in the loss of an estimated 1.1 million jobs per year.[5] Without reading it, they passed a 2,000-page tax and control bill in the House and called it "health care reform", which will lead to $557 billion[6] in higher taxes and a loss of millions of jobs. When faced with the failure to create jobs through the stimulus, they made up, yes made up, a new measurement of jobs "saved or created" that no economist takes seriously. As evidence of what they will do to deceive the public, they produced a "saved or created" report that invented congressional districts that do not exist as recipients of billions of taxpayer dollars[7] and distorted job creation numbers by tens of thousands, all to prove that th e stimulus is working.[8] David Obey (D-WI), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, even called this "outrageous" and described the mistakes as "ludicrous."[9] This is the record of politicians who promise new jobs and then vote for job killing legislation, record deficits and excessive government control.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ramblings ...........

Newsweek Magazine. Disgusting thieves. Putting that picture of Ms. Palin on the front cover that was taken for Runners World magazine says it all, deception.

The cost of the health-care bill is a huge lie. It will cost America 3 or 4 times that amount. Harry Reid is probably the worst politician to sit in our Senate. What a sad day for America when our President says the cost will be born by cutting waste and fraud in current health care delivery and then they add another $850 billion of spending. The math doesn't work America. Good health is earned. There is a price to pay for it. It's not easy. It's not pills. It's work.

Keep the government out of health care and out of auto's. We will be a better country for it. Ask any IHOP franchisee what will happen to their business if this health care bill gets passed. Small business is dead with this health care bill.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Learn about the Unites States Post Office

Tuesday up front............

Say what you want about Sarah Palin I will be a big buyer of her book.

The MSM is naturally having a field day with it. Funny how these lame birds can sit back and criticize a woman who is jack smack straight up.

She would make a better President blind-folded than the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

When America wakes up and faces the economic realities it may be too late.

China will be calling the shots. And the Putin gang won't be far behind.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

No wonder this guy isn't on CNBC any more

"We all know at this point that our banking system is being used as an unregulated bonus-seeking mechanism for bankers, now underwritten by taxpayers with $23.7 trillion worth of national wealth. Bankers lent pretend money to home buyers to award themselves actual money in bonuses -- making home prices balloon and, in the process, bankrupting America's treasury, currency, the states, and many of its citizens. To simply let the housing market rapidly correct itself (or more likely over-correct) would result in massive societal disruption, possible violence and unnecessary suffering." - Dylan Ratigan

Armistice Day........

My late grandfather, Walter Eugene Marquart always said that "as a rule, freeze-up (in west central Minnesota) comes on Armistice Day. I bet you and yours a C-note that none of your children know why November 11th is Armistice Day. America's children should know. They know not. Grampa Marquart was the hardest working man I ever met. He never quit when he was blinded in one eye or when cancer ravaged his body. Here is the "why" of November 11th............

The signing on Armistice Day (in 1918) was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, when World War I finally ended.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day, 2009

Freedom isn't free. It comes with a price. And that price is paid every day by the men and women who serve and defend our country. Take a moment today to remember those who are deployed around the world, and those who have served in the past. Think about the things they have given up in order to serve. And the times they've missed with their families, so that you and your family can remain free.

My Dad, Douglas Parisian has been a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, V.F.W., for over 60 years now. Thank you Dad.

Indian Reservation Humor...........

President Barack Obama was invited to address a major gathering of the American Indian Nation two weeks ago in upstate New York. He spoke for almost an hour on HIS future plans for increasing every Native American's present standard of living, since he has now become the President.

He referred to his career as a Senator, how he had signed 'YES' for every Indian issue that came to his desk for approval. Although President Obama was vague on the details of his plan, he seemed most enthusiastic about his future ideas for helping his 'red sisters and brothers'.

At the conclusion of his speech, the Tribes presented Obama with a plaque inscribed with his new Indian name - "Walking Eagle". The proud President then departed in his motorcade, waving to the crowds.

A news reporter later inquired of the group of chiefs of how they came to select the new name they had given to the President. They explained that "Walking Eagle" is the name given to a bird so full of shit it can no longer fly.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Main Street versus Wall Street

On the upswing the refrain is "Get the Government off my back".

On the downside " Bail me out, or else".

They stand on the corner of Broad street with tin cups in their hands to catch the taxpayers coins..

Sunday, November 08, 2009

From Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge

For your numeric (in)comprehension pleasure lots and lots of zeroes. I will summarize the biggest relevant numbers currently out there, appearing as pixels occasionally on every single computer in the financial world. And what does it say? That the total notional value of all OTC derivative contracts as of the most recent count (sucks to be on the recount committee), was $592,000,000,000,000.00 at the end of 2008. Fear not: this number is actually a reduction from the most recent previous read of $683,700,000,000,000.00 in June of 2008. Well wait, that thing we said about fear not, ignore that: because the net notional, or the market value of all OTC contracts, i.e. what someone (cough taxpayer cough) would be on the hook for when the Fed's plans go astray, increased by 66.5% over the same period, to $33,900,000,000,000.00. Like we said, big numbers - and this is just OTC. The real number includes regulated exchanges, and to estimate that, double the numbers above. In totality, the "sidebets" on everything from interest rates, to F/X to corporate default risk, amount to about $1.3-$1.4 quadrillion (that's 15 zeroes before the decimal comma) in terms of uncollateralized liquidity (think inflation buffer): take all those zeroes away and the value of the dollar would go down by 1E10-15: you listening yet American middle class? And the actual exposure, or "money at risk" is roughly $60 trillion: a number which is about the same as the world GDP if one were to remove all the various stimulus programs. Take away Goldman, JP Morgan, and all the other wannabe BSD's, and this is what you end up with: the heart and soul of the Too Big To Fail monster itself. And there is no way on earth to stop that mangled, mutated heartbeat without destroying the very fabric of both our capital markets and societal system. Please give the FederalReserve a golf clap for this truly amazing accomplishment.

North Dakota, 2009, Tundra Swan

New Beretta Shotgun -- $1,500
Air Fare to North Dakota -- $500
Waterfowl License -- $150
Duck Inn Lounge in Marion, ND burger -- unavailable, only frozen pizza
Standing in a North Dakota slough with your 13 year old son at your side trying to harvest one of the toughest birds on the North American continent - PRICELESS

10 Wins, 0 Losses.......the march continues

Congratulations to the Milton High School 7th Grade Feeder program. Credit goes to a smart, motivated, hard-working, hard-nosed football team, their parents, grandparents, siblings, coaches, cheerleaders, the TEAM MOM, announcers, scoreboard operators, photographers, first aid staff, water "boys", spotters, all the doctors and chiropractors who have kept the bones intact, the chain gang and phenom cheering section.

What a day it was for football at Milton Stadium!

And a tip of the hat to the Hill Grove team that we defeated 14-6. They were a great football team with a great coaching staff. They ran an option offense that was as fun to watch as any I have ever seen. The march to the championship continues next Saturday. Come out and cheer these young Eagles to another victory!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

The Native Conundrum or the Mentality of Something for Nothing

WASHINGTON — President Obama pledged Thursday to redeem broken promises made to American Indians, saying he's empathetic because of his own history as an "outsider."
"Few have been more marginalized and ignored by Washington for as long as Native Americans, our first Americans," Obama said in opening the White House Tribal Nations Conference.

"I know what it means to feel ignored and forgotten, and what it means to struggle," he said. "So you will not be forgotten as long as I'm in this White House."

The administration invited representatives from the 564 federally recognized tribes to participate in the conference, the first White House meeting of its kind since 1994. Leaders from nearly 400 tribes attended. The event came as some American Indians are locked in a long-standing legal battle with the federal government over land royalties.

Obama said American Indians have a right to be suspicious of the government, recounting a history of broken promises and treaty violations. "You were told your lands, your religion, your cultures, your languages were not yours to keep," he said.

Obama said his administration has already helped Native Americans through the $787 billion stimulus package, which included $100 million for job creation within tribal communities, $500 million for the Indian Health Service, and nearly $500 million for various education, college and school construction programs.

The president told the tribal leaders he has made good on campaign promises to hold the summit and to give American Indians a voice in his administration. Among the Native Americans in key posts: Kimberly Teehee, a Cherokee, senior adviser for Indian issues, and Larry EchoHawk, assistant Interior secretary for Indian Affairs. EchoHawk is a member of the Pawnee tribe of Oklahoma.

Obama's efforts were received positively. "We respect you as a man of your word," said Jefferson Keel of the National Congress of American Indians.

The president signed an executive order requiring all Cabinet members to provide plans for consulting Indian tribes. He also pledged to consider Indian needs when moving forward on education and health care programs.

President Clinton issued a similar order about a decade ago, but Indian leaders said little was done to enforce it. They are more optimistic about Obama.

"It's truly a beginning," said Theresa Two Bulls, president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. "I feel in my heart, there's going to be many more meetings like this."

The pervasive mentality that somehow the United States Government will do something for Indian Country that will cure quickly the ills of Indian Country is a joke.

A complete farce.

Obama and his ilk won't cure the massive diabetes issue, the rampant suicides, the gang violence, the vast numbers of illegitimate children out of wedlock, the lack of a work ethic, and surely won't break the cycle of poverty, addiction, moral courage and the suffocating absence of opportunity in Native communities. Not a chance.

It's not hard to figure out. If you go to the National Archives where every treaty between the Indians and the United States Government is stored you can see clearly that every treaty has been violated by the same government that says it wants to "help" the Indians. It is nearly 2010 and this story is getting old.

American Health Care.........

The massive carnage to be inflicted on America with the proposed "health care reform" is a disgrace to our nation's working class taxpayers and our Constitution.

The single largest disaster, bar none, in my lifetime to our nation if it passes.

Just watch.

America doesn't need health care, it needs walking shoes. Lots of them.

Go to work America and stop the hideous whining of what is "owed".

North Dakota rocks..............

I spent last week in the great state of North Dakota.

There is alot of good in North Dakota. Good in alot of ways.

Still, many Americans assume that the government has a real plan for fixing the economy. I doubt many in North Dakota feel and think the government can and will "fix" the economy.

You see, North Dakotans believe you can't fix stupid.

The "something for nothing" mentality that permeats so much of society and so many Indian reservations is becoming the norm.

Whores alive and well............

Around 70% of equity mutual funds increased their expense ratios during the worst of the financial crisis, according to a study released today by Lipper Inc.

Georgians, ponder this..........

Why are 21 of the 116 failed banks so far this year in Georgia?