Thursday, November 19, 2009

From a conservative Native American............

Somebody has to say it...............

Unemployment currently stands at 10.2%, the highest in a quarter-century. The stimulus failed and now even more people are out of work.

Rather than creating jobs, the $787 billion pork-filled spending bill has created more debt and more deficits that every American citizen has to pay for in the middle of a recession.

Implicitly acknowledging the failure of the stimulus, the Obama administration has now announced a "Jobs Summit" on December 3rd.

For an administration actively promoting the adoption of job killing health, energy, and labor legislation, holding a "Jobs Summit" is more theater while millions of Americans struggle to find work.

Consider the reco rd of the job killing politicians:

They promised us that the $787 billion stimulus would keep unemployment below 8%, but unemployment has been above 8% since February.[1] They promised us the stimulus would "create immediate jobs,"[2] yet more than 4 million jobs have been "lost and dislocated" since President Obama signed it into law.[3] Without reading it, they rammed through a 1,400-page energy tax in the House,[4] which will cost each taxpayer thousands of dollars in higher energy costs and result in the loss of an estimated 1.1 million jobs per year.[5] Without reading it, they passed a 2,000-page tax and control bill in the House and called it "health care reform", which will lead to $557 billion[6] in higher taxes and a loss of millions of jobs. When faced with the failure to create jobs through the stimulus, they made up, yes made up, a new measurement of jobs "saved or created" that no economist takes seriously. As evidence of what they will do to deceive the public, they produced a "saved or created" report that invented congressional districts that do not exist as recipients of billions of taxpayer dollars[7] and distorted job creation numbers by tens of thousands, all to prove that th e stimulus is working.[8] David Obey (D-WI), chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, even called this "outrageous" and described the mistakes as "ludicrous."[9] This is the record of politicians who promise new jobs and then vote for job killing legislation, record deficits and excessive government control.

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