CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Ignorance at Thanksgiving

This week has been a doozy!   American media can't get enough of the few hundred OWS crowd it seems.  The blow-by-blow coverage of the mob mentality doesn't astound me, it sickens me.  A few hundred slackers getting together and sharing STD's for some reason isn't the same as 46,000,000 on food stamps.

Of half of the American work force NOT paying a dime in tax.

Or open borders,  wide-open borders. 

Or a bankrupt Social Security System.

Or the Obama healthcare billl that is holding up corporate hiring.

Or the sound bites that the GOP candidates spout at each other.

Or the military industrial complex "owning" Obama and opening up a new revenue stream in Australia this week.

Or $600,000,000 missing from citizens accounts at MF Global.

Or the Fed keeping interest rates artificially low to rob and plunder the retirees of America.

On second thought,  there are plenty of sales to be found in your Christmas shopping.  Get after it this weekend so you won't have to deal with the thieves at the mall next week and the week after.  But be careful of your personal spending because your country owes $15,000,000,000,000, yes folks, that is Trillion in debt.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving.  We have much to be thankful.  Gratitude is a gift, share it.

Today, we are fortunate to call ourselves American.  And give some thought to many Native Americans this week for taking good care of the first settlers to our shores.  They needed all the help they could get then.  In many ways, we still need all the help we can get now.

CNBC cheerleaders

are at it again.........Cramer telling the world how bad Europe is compared to the United States takes the cake.  Leaving the sound on when watching CNBC is grounds for termination around here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Darla Leslie, NAJA

Your resignation was rather unusual.

What "fix" is needed other than some smarts about handling money?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sad numbers for America, my children and yours..........

Too sad for commentary, but here is some math: total US debt has increased by 41.5%, or $4.4 trillion, from $10,626,877,048,913 on January 20, to $15,033,607,255,920, under Obama as president.

(as a reminder the most recently updated debt ceiling is $15.194 trillion)

Clients have so much to be thankful for.........

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Geez, all I wanted for Christmas was some CRP fields..........

Secret farm bill’ primed for passage in debt deal
By Erik Wasson - 11/15/11 05:15 AM ET
Lawmakers on the House and Senate Agriculture committees are trying to write a new five-year farm bill through the supercommittee process.
The legislators are using the supercommittee to avoid what would be a more public, election-year debate in 2012, when the current farm bill expires and new legislation would be scheduled for writing, according to critics of the effort.
“We call it the secret farm bill,” said one environmental activist, who worries that if the lawmakers succeed, it will prop up U.S. farm payments through 2017.

Environmental groups and poverty advocates say the supercommittee should dismiss the recommendations from the farm-state lawmakers, which are expected to be delivered later this week. The recommendations are expected to propose the replacement of some existing farm payments with a new crop insurance program and new payments that would be linked to commodity prices.
While some of the changes lawmakers are expected to propose would save billions on paper, critics say the new farm payments could balloon in cost if commodity prices fall.
Opponents also worry the lawmakers are trying to get around longtime critics of the farm bill who for years have said the legislation is a symbol of waste that costs taxpayers money while hurting farmers in poor countries who do not receive similar levels of support.
“They are completely trying to write a whole new farm subsidy program,” a second activist said. “They are making an end-run around people who question these programs.”
An advantage of locking in the changes through the supercommittee is that the panel’s recommendations must get an up-or-down vote in Congress. That would give less leverage to opponents of farm subsidies.
Ben Becker, a spokesman for the Senate Agriculture Committee, defended the effort to propose farm bill changes to the supercommittee.
“Either the supercommittee would in essence write the Farm Bill, with no hearings or public input, or the Agriculture Committees and the communities we represent would have a voice. Democrats and Republicans are working hard within the process that’s been imposed on us to develop a sound bipartisan and bicameral recommendation that members of both parties can support,” he said.
But the secrecy of the process has even some farm lobbyists raising questions.

“All big legislation is written behind closed doors, but they are doing this is in such a compressed way,“ one longtime agricultural lobbyist said. “I am having trouble finding out what’s going on.”
The proposals from Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and ranking member Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and House Agriculture Chairman Frank Lucas (R-Okla.) and ranking member Collin Peterson (D-Minn.), who have been negotiating for weeks, are expected to include a new type of revenue-based insurance for some crops as well as a bolstered price-triggered payment for other crops.
The Agriculture committees had been asked to deliver recommendations on $23 billion in cuts over the next 10 years by Nov. 1, but they missed that deadline.

Different commodity groups have been trying to maximize their payments by pushing their own formulas, which has lengthened and complicated the lawmakers’ effort.
The $23 billion package is expected to include billions in cuts to nutrition and conservation programs, but the biggest chunk, estimated at $13 billion, would come from payments to farmers.
Stabenow has focused on a new revenue-based “shallow loss” insurance program that is supported by corn, wheat, barley, soy and canola farmers.
Lucas, with the support of rice and peanut farmers, wants to modify the existing price-based payment to farmers for those crops.
Payments to cotton farmers have been a sticking point, and they are set to get their own program, also linked to commodity prices.
Farmers now receive “direct payments” that are based on historical production. This means that even if the farmer produces nothing, payments from the government can still be received.
The farm safety net includes subsidized crop insurance and countercyclical and marketing loan payments that rise when prices fall. These latter payments are intended to help farmer survive dramatic changes in world prices.
Outrage over direct payments going to farmers who no longer farm has led the Agriculture committees to largely agree that direct payments need to be replaced.
Stabenow’s proposed “shallow loss” insurance program would complement traditional crop insurance. The program would pay farmers for small losses typically not covered by existing insurance.
The proposed replacement payments for cotton, rice and peanuts would be based on higher “target” prices. If the market falls below the higher “target,” the government would pay farmers the difference through countercyclical payments or marketing loans.
The American Farm Bureau decided to oppose the shallow-loss proposal, arguing that it will encourage farmers to take on excessive risk.
Environmental and international poverty advocates are against the whole process.
The groups believe higher price-based payments promote overproduction and distort world trade, hurting farmers in the Third World and causing them to cut down rainforest in search of more income.
This story was updated at 11:21 a.m.


This Mr. Evans from the FED on CNBC is clueless about how America lives.

So very sad for America.

Rick Santelli schooled this guy on common sense for America.  Great work again Rick!!

From where I sit........

If you're at a party and someone tells you they work for a "creditor's rights" firm, dig a little. If they tell you "I work in real estate finance", ask what that means. Ask if residential judicial and non-judicial foreclosures constitute part of their work.   If they say "yes", walk away. De-friend them on Facebook. Anything. Shame them and make those that do this work for their masters question their efforts and who they work for.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why not?

Paul/Rakoff 2012

The Integrity Ticket.


As a member of the White Earth Reservation, Minnesota Chippewa Tribe the Keepseagle case is looking to me like it's a whole lot of money chasing very few Native American Farmers.

As a farmer, I wish I had been denied some loans.  As a businessman, it wouldn't have been good business for me to do so, that is, run to a bank looking for money for buying a farm back in 2005.

The lawyers make out.   If you are a Native American farmer who gets himself into a "windfall" ie, my tax dollars and you want Chippewa Partners to entertain investing those funds give me a call or shoot an email this way.  

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Native American tragedy today

The annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health reported that 39 percent of white teens between the ages of 12 and 17 admitted to using substances in the past year, compared to just 32 percent of blacks and 24 percent of Asians.

Topping the list of adolescent substance users are Native American youth, at an astounding 48 percent.

I grew up on several welfare states propogated by the Federal Government.

Anyone care to comment on these numbers?

Cramer on the Bakken field........

Am watching Cramer ask questions on North Dakota's Bakken bonanza.

What ND needs is infrastructure, drug rehabilitation services and housing.

So many come to ND to work, find work, make some big money over a short period of time and then fail drug tests. 

Some Christmas "change" from Obama

The Teleprompter-in-Chief's historic, legacy legislation will not be ObamaCare.

It will be the Christmas Tree tax.  

No one has done more to drive gun and ammunition sales than the Teleprompter-in-Chief.

And with this tax, no one will do more to drive "fake" Christmas tree sales which will help foreign manufacturers.

He doesn't get it.

Dogwood Forest, Alpharetta

Last evening I went to the Dogwood Forest facility in Alpharetta, Georgia to attend a nice meeting for family members of former Dogwood Forest residents who have gone on ahead.

If there is anybody in the Alpharetta, Cumming, Roswell or Milton areas who might like to speak with somebody who has first hand experience with the facility feel free to call me at 877-772-1621.

My experience, and I will speak for my late Father, couldn't have been better.   Yes, the walls are pretty, the lights are nice, the food is good.  Dogwood is all about the people who so selfishly give their best to make the lives of the residents so comfortable with the quality care they so richly deserve.   I am so glad I went.

There is alot of love there and it shows.  

Monday, November 07, 2011

Monday in Atlanta...........

Had to run down to Georgia Tech today.  Just a gorgeous fall day in the city.  Great to see the fall colors and the sparkle in the city.  Someday, and it's coming, far, far slower than I ever thought, Atlanta will have a vibrant down-town.   I thought the 1996 Olympic Games might have brought some majic but that was only wishful thinking.  Atlantic Station isn't happening, the surrounding neighborhoods won't allow for it.  Eventually, they will get it figured out and the economics of real estate, interest rates, demand, schools, business, transportation and entertainment will trump the welfare state.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Be smart forever...........

Many years ago, prior to moving my banking relationships to a credit union I did business with Chase.

One of the most brilliant financial moves of my life.  You should too.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Reservation life or life in white America?

The following are some statistics about the poor that might astound you....

#1 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of "very poor" rose in 300 out of the 360 largest metropolitan areas during 2010.

#2 Last year, 2.6 million more Americans descended into poverty. That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.

#3 It isn't just the ranks of the "very poor" that are rising. The number of those just considered to be "poor" is rapidly increasing as well. Back in the year 2000, 11.3% of all Americans were living in poverty. Today, 15.1% of all Americans are living in poverty.

#4 The poverty rate for children living in the United States increased to 22% in 2010.

#5 There are 314 counties in the United States where at least 30% of the children are facing food insecurity.

#6 In Washington D.C., the "child food insecurity rate" is 32.3%.

#7 More than 20 million U.S. children rely on school meal programs to keep from going hungry.

#8 One out of every six elderly Americans now lives below the federal poverty line.

#9 Today, there are over 45 million Americans on food stamps.

#10 According to the Wall Street Journal, nearly 15 percent of all Americans are now on food stamps.

#11 In 2010, 42 percent of all single mothers in the United States were on food stamps.

#12 The number of Americans on food stamps has increased 74% since 2007.

#13 We are told that the economy is recovering, but the number of Americans on food stamps has grown by another 8 percent over the past year.

#14 Right now, one out of every four American children is on food stamps.

#15 It is being projected that approximately 50 percent of all U.S. children will be on food stamps at some point in their lives before they reach the age of 18.

#16 More than 50 million Americans are now on Medicaid. Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, approximately one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid.

#17 One out of every six Americans is now enrolled in at least one government anti-poverty program.

#18 The number of Americans that are going to food pantries and soup kitchens has increased by 46% since 2006.

Friday, November 04, 2011

Lies and more lies......

Obama talking about  saving the banks, with more money and saving Greece, with more money

All with tax money taken from taxpayers.  The American Jobs Act will not put people back to work.  It will only take care of the union bosses so popular in an election cycle.


Obama addressing the G-20 would be like me addressing the National Association of Quilters.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Scott Galloway

Holy cow cowboy, great job on Bloomberg today on the NYSE floor!

You shoot straight and keep those spurs on.  


This name extracted it's pound of flesh from me last year.

Congratulations to anyone long this name today.  

No hubris with her..........

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great."
~~~Golda Meir (1898-1978) to a visiting diplomat

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Some "squid" humor............

Jim Corzine, John Thain, and Lloyd Blankein are walking down the street with a new recruit, when a beautiful woman strolls by.

The intern says I really would like to screw that and simultaneously all three reply, out of what.     

Ms. Sonders saying it

Liz Ann Sonders, chief investment strategist at Schwab, said that the MF Global situation seemed to be more a miss by the auditors than a regulatory problem.

"It may show that we don't have adults manning the regulatory store, and that to the extent that this was a miss on the part of auditors, that should have been obvious suggests that this is still a problem," she said.

"It's another hit to the confidence certainly of individual investors who have, maybe rightly so, felt that the whole game is rigged against them."

Palindrome date today............


Tuesday, November 01, 2011

This make you hungry or want to vomit?

Here is this month's refresh from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which informs us that in August, a new all time record number of Americans, or 45.8 million, relied on food stamps for sustenance. So for those who are looking for those up and coming states where the population has decided that slowly but surely work of any kind is an anachronism we suggest you move to Alabama, Delaware, Utah, or Washington: all states that have seen at least a 3% sequential increase in food stamp usage. And, tangentially, confirming that this country's economy is headed straight to hell and won't pass go is the latest news from LPS according to which nearly 40% of loans in foreclosure have not made a payment in two years, and 72% have not made a payment in the past 12 month

Goldman Sachs poetry

There once was a prick named Corzine

His firm looked sick but he said it was fine

Then he finally went broke

Client funds up in smoke

With any luck he'll be doing some time

Only in America...........

I would love to take a two-by-four to anyone remotely Kardashian.   


Native American month is here!   The trick-or-treaters last night were different.   They came in packs and came with no zest or fire or speed.   There was no rush to get on to the next house and accumulate massive amounts of candy.   They were polite and civil and some barely stopped their conversations long enough to say, "trick or treat".  Are they simply products of the social media revolution?

Nice job in landing that 767 in Warsaw......not only do they make them to fly but to get around pretty well on the ground too!   Boeing engineers, the best in the business!

Those big pythons cruising around the Florida everglades are coming to a neighborhood near you if you live in Florida near water.   Keep an eye out because it's just a matter of time before they consume a child.

The Greeks are done.   Amazing how the chickens have come home to roost on that island.   It's just getting good and the case for gold only grows.    And speaking of mayhem, those thugs in New Orleans should be put in front of a firing squad if they ever catch them.   I'd love to be in the front row doing that work!