CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Just shaking my head..............

that America might actually be dumb enough to insure a Bush   v   Clinton race in 2016.

What the hell is wrong with America?

"Folks", as ZERO says, you simply can't make this shit up..............

When you go to the polls to vote . . .ask yourself:

Are you more likely to be infected or beheaded than you were six years ago?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's Tuesday and the party continues..............

Banks are able to buy and sell more shares than actually exist and can create infinite money to accomplish that task. Can you? Is that fair and reasonable?  I know you know the answer to that.  Obama's having the Federal Reserve pull out all the stops before his party's election.  The DOW will rise solidly above 17,000 as Nov. 4th is just around the corner. Everyone with two working brain cells knows it's pure bullshit, but it works.

Rustin Suter

Congratulations my friend!   Tennessee State made a great decision in making you an offer.

It has been so fun watching you grow up to be such an outstanding football player.

For all the fun in watching you over the years, thank you and best of luck always.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tornadic activity today...........

Plenty of trees, limbs and debris everywhere.

The EF-0 tornado on the west side of Atlanta was confirmed by National Weather Service Atlanta meteorologists shortly after they confirmed that an EF-1 tornado struck Alpharetta Tuesday morning.

Monday, October 13, 2014

My best thought from the tree stand last night..............

Good luck America.      Don't ever think that the hipster, healthcare providing government that brought you the ACA and wasn’t able to build a functioning website can run out and find the cure for Ebola any time soon.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Senior Parents Night, 2014

My last official "outing" on a football field.   I don't think I could turn it up and cut back without making an orthopod a new car payment!

Who in America knows Joe Biden? a priceless display of ignorance

The Vice President’s recent LA visit had Jimmy wondering how many people even know who he is. So as an experiment a camera crew was sent out onto Hollywood Blvd. to ask Americans a very simple question: “Who is Joe Biden?”

Friday, October 10, 2014

Weekend Humor.................

"Winston, come into the dining room, it's time to eat," Julia yelled to her husband.
"In a minute, honey, it's a tie score," he answered.

Actually Winston wasn't very interested in the traditional holiday football game between Detroit and Washington.

Ever since the government passed the Civility in Sports Statute of 2017, outlawing tackle football for its "unseemly violence" and the "bad example it sets for the rest of the world," Winston was far less of a football fan than he used to be.

Two-hand touch wasn't nearly as exciting.
Yet it wasn't the game that Winston was uninterested in. It was more the thought of eating another Tofu Turkey. Even though it was the best type of VeggieMeat available after the government revised the American Anti-Obesity Act of 2018, adding fowl to the list of federally-forbidden foods, (which already included potatoes, cranberry sauce, and mincemeat pie), it wasn't anything like real turkey.

And ever since the government officially changed the name of "Thanksgiving Day" to "A National Day of Atonement" in 2020, to officially acknowledge the Pilgrims' historically brutal treatment of Native Americans, the holiday had lost a lot of its luster.

Eating in the dining room was also a bit daunting.

The unearthly gleam of government-mandated fluorescent light bulbs made the Tofu Turkey look even weirder than it actually was, and the room was always cold. Ever since Congress passed the Power Conservation Act of 2016, mandating all thermostats - which were monitored and controlled by the electric company - be kept at 68 degrees, every room on the north side of the house was barely tolerable throughout the entire winter.

Still, it was good getting together with family. Or at least most of the family.

Winston missed his mother, who passed on in October, when she had used up her legal allotment of life-saving medical treatment.

He had had many heated conversations with the Regional Health Consortium, spawned when the private insurance market finally went bankrupt, and everyone was forced into the government health care program. And though he demanded she be kept on her treatment, it was a futile effort.

"The RHC's resources are limited," explained the government bureaucrat that Winston spoke with on the phone. "Your mother received all the benefits to which she was entitled.---- I'm sorry for your loss."

Ed couldn't make it either. He had forgotten to plug in his electric car last night, the only kind available after the Anti-Fossil Fuel Bill of 2021 outlawed the use of the combustion engines - for everyone but government officials. The fifty mile round trip was about ten miles too far, and Ed didn't want to spend a frosty night on the road somewhere between here and there.

Thankfully, Winston's brother, John, and his wife were flying in. Winston made sure that the dining room chairs had extra cushions for the occasion. No one complained more than John about the pain of sitting down so soon after the government-mandated
cavity searches at airports, which severely aggravated his hemorrhoids. Ever since a terrorist successfully smuggled a cavity bomb onto a jetliner, the TSA told Americans the added "inconvenience" was an "absolute necessity" in order to stay "one step ahead of the terrorists".

Winston's own body had grown accustomed to such probing ever since the government expanded their scope to just about anywhere a crowd gathered, via Anti-Profiling Act of 2022. That law made it a crime to single out any group or individual for "unequal scrutiny," even when probable cause was involved. Thus, cavity searches at malls, train stations, bus depots, etc., etc., had become almost routine.


The Supreme Court is reviewing the statute, but most Americans expect a Court composed of six progressives and three conservatives to leave the law intact. "A living Constitution is extremely flexible," said the Court's eldest member, Elena Kagan. "Europe has had laws like this one for years.----We should learn from their example," she added.

Winston's thoughts turned to his own children.

He got along fairly well with his 12-year-old daughter, Brittany, mostly because she ignored him. Winston had long ago surrendered to the idea that she could text anyone at any time, even during Atonement Dinner. Their only real confrontation had occurred when he limited her to 50,000 texts a month, explaining that was all he could afford. She whined for a week, but got over it.

His 16-year-old son, Jason, was another matter altogether. Perhaps it was the constant bombarding he got in public school that global warming, the bird flu, terrorism, or any of a number of other calamities were "just around the corner," but Jason had developed a kind of nihilistic attitude that ranged between simmering surliness and outright hostility.

It didn't help that Jason had reported his father to the police for smoking a cigarette in the house, an act made criminal by the Smoking Control Statute of 2018, which outlawed smoking anywhere within 500 feet of another human being. Winston paid the $5,000 fine, which might have been considered excessive before the American dollar became virtually worthless as a result of QE13, the latest round of quantitative easing the federal government initiated stating, once again, it was to "spur economic growth." This time, they promised to push unemployment below its years-long rate of 18%, but Winston was not particularly hopeful.

Yet the family had a lot for which to be thankful, Winston thought, before remembering it was a Day of Atonement. At least, he had his memories.

He felt a twinge of sadness when he realized his children would never know what life was like in the "Good Old Days," long before government promises to make life "fair for everyone" realized their full potential. Winston, like so many of his fellow Americans, never realized how much things could change when they didn't happen all at once, but little by little, so people could get used to them.

He wondered what might have happened if the public had stood up while there was still time, maybe back around 201
1, when all the real nonsense began.

"Maybe we wouldn't be where we are today if we'd just said 'enough is enough' when we had the chance," he thought.

Maybe so, Winston. Maybe so.


Thursday, October 09, 2014

Presidential Hilarity............

Last night at near a $33,000 per plate fundraiser, President Obama called the GOP the party of millionaires and said money shouldn't buy influence in Washington, DC.

The lobbyists had to cheer him as the war machine cranks up once again and the TSA is now checking body temperatures!

Isn't it a great country?

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Happy Birthday #23!!!

Dennis Gartman. Stock Tout.

Individuals who are paid to tout their newsletters across media platforms are extremely dangerous to your financial health.

This guy is one of the worst.

Check out his rear-view mirror analysis.

Today: "If the Russell were to hold today and turn higher, then we might very seriously consider covering a portion of our derivatives; otherwise, we shall sit tight, remaining market neutral and fearing that indeed the bear market has begun and that rallies henceforth are to be sold rather than weakness bought."

2 Days ago: "The well-defined upward sloping trend channel continues to remain fully intact and until that trend line is broken we have to once again err upon the side of being bullish of shares generally... Support levels have held and trends from the lower left to the upper right obtain. One may wish to join the bearish camp, but one would be wrong."

Monday, October 06, 2014

War & Money = Fat Cat Politicians

Let me break it down for you, in case you haven't thought of this already.  
The bankers need ups and downs and wars to make money
Just as bankers increase their profit as a result of upward and downward economic fluctuations, so, too, do they benefit from war. It is not unusual for a given bank to finance those who would create armed conflict, and indeed, they sometimes bankroll both sides. 
The military needs war.
The military-industrial complex is in the business of selling arms to governments. Although arm sales may tick up nicely in peace time, they boom in war time.  It matters little whether it is an all-out war or a series of smaller ventures. The object is sales.  The politicians need both banks and war.
This is true in the sense that politicians need both bankers and an active military to thrive. Political campaigns depend upon funding. Banks and arms dealers have long been a major source of campaign funds for political candidates.  Thousands of suburban dwellers in Maryland and Virginia live very nice on war profits.
But there is further necessity for armed conflict with regard to politicians. First, it is a true that a country rarely changes leaders during times of war, and nothing is more important to the politician than gaining a further term of office.   A great example is Obama whispering to Putin that he'll have more flexibility in his 2nd term!
Second, nothing distracts the voting public like war. If a politician is receiving increased criticism from voters, a good war can be counted on to get the voters concentrating more on the war than on the politician’s poor record.
Third, governments typically remove the freedoms of a nation over time. While citizens may object to the loss of their freedoms in normal times, they are often more willing to relinquish them “temporarily” in times of war, “for the good of the country.” Not surprisingly, lost freedoms are seldom reinstated after a war.  While many people like to blindly push for gun control, it would be mush wiser for Americans to focus on “war control.” That is, stopping our government from consistently, aggressively and unconstitutionally unleashing violence on populations all over the world, particularly the Middle East.
I find it the height of hypocrisy when politicians constantly using our nation’s blood and treasure to bomb and murder civilians all over the world, get up on podiums to stress the importance of disarming peaceful civilians due to a few random school shootings (as tragic as they are). When the U.S. government becomes Switzerland, then we can talk gun control. The biggest criminals, murders and war-profiteers around are at the top of the U.S. government and the military-industrial complex, and they’re doing it with our tax dollars.  My taxes and yours.   Ugh.


It can't be too far off for the Free Shit Army to take their rightful place at the closing desk at your local dealership.   They will no doubt be buying wheels with your money if you pay taxes.  After all, isn't equality what America is all about.   If you need a phone just let the government supply you with one.  Cars should be next.

Here are some interesting statistics.

  • The total balance of auto loans outstanding in August is $924.2 billion, an all-time high and an increase of 10.8% from same time a year ago
  • The total number of auto loans outstanding stands at more than 65 million, a record high and an increase of more than 6% from the same time last year;
  • The total number of new loans originated year-to-date through June for subprime borrowers, defined as consumers with Equifax Risk Scores of 640 or lower, is 3.9 million, representing 31.2% of all auto loans originated this year.
  • Similarly, the total balance of newly originated subprime auto loans is $70.7 billion, an eight-year high and representing 27.8% of the total balance of new auto loans

  • Friday, October 03, 2014

    Michael Phelps

    In the pool or using drugs and driving drunk this guy isn't a QUITTER!

    Look out below, AMERICA we have a problem.........

    There is some really fucked up data out there and you, and I, see it every day.

    In every town, in every corner of the country.

    The collapse in the labor force participation rate, which in September slid from an already three decade low of 62.8% to 62.7% - the lowest in over 36 years, matching the February 1978 lows.

    What is more disturbing is that the people not in the labor force, rose to a new record high, increasing by 315,000 to 92.6 million!  Yes, you read that correctly.

    92,600,000 not in the labor force.  Eating but not working.

    What does "working" have to do with getting money from the government and eating? 

    I guess as long as the EBT cards keep working the fall election winners are well-known.     

    Wednesday, October 01, 2014

    Oh Brother, it's Big Brother!!! Oh Orwell, how right you were.........

    Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents.  To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link.  As you can see, this list covers most of the country…
    1. Those that talk about “individual liberties”
    2. Those that advocate for states’ rights
    3. Those that want “to make the world a better place”
    4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule”
    5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists”
    6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations”
    7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable”
    8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”
    9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”
    10. “Anti-Gay”
    11. “Anti-Immigrant”
    12. “Anti-Muslim”
    13. “The Patriot Movement”
    14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians”
    15. Members of the Family Research Council
    16. Members of the American Family Association
    17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”
    18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol
    19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform
    20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition
    21. Members of the Christian Action Network
    22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order”
    23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”
    24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21
    25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps
    26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations”
    27. The militia movement
    28. The sovereign citizen movement
    29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”
    30. Anyone that “complains about bias”
    31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”
    32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies”
    33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”
    34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”
    35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”
    36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance”
    37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance”
    38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons”
    39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology”
    40. “Militia or unorganized militia”
    41. “General right-wing extremist”
    42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N.
    43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”
    44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”
    45. Those that are “anti-global”
    46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority”
    47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty”
    48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”
    49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack”
    50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism”
    51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
    52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere”
    53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”
    54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy”
    55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion”
    56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”
    57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear”
    58. “Rightwing extremists”
    59. “Returning veterans”
    60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration”
    61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms”
    62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling”
    63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes”
    64. “Anti-abortion activists”
    65. Those that are against illegal immigration
    66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner
    67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations
    68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes”
    69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr
    70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”)
    71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies
    72. Evangelical Christians
    Are you starting to understand?
    When government officials speak of the need to crack down on “extremists” and “potential terrorists”, that is a very dangerous thing.
    The truth is that they could be talking about you.

    On the last day of September, 2014

    On last day of the month, 33% of NYSE volume was at the open (4%) and on the close (29%).

    The CNB(S) talking heads are eating their shit sandwiches trying to explain the selling pressure today.

    Edward Snowden and Carmen Segarra

    They knew well ahead that the future would not be kind.

    They went ahead with what they deemed important.

    They shared courage and the desire for truth.

    Ebola in Texas..........

    CDC says "no doubt that we'll stop this in its tracks in the U.S."

    Please, we can't even keep toddlers from crossing our southern border illegally.  The Obama doctrine of open borders and allowing the sick and diseased to enter on a criminal basis from the south is what you could expect from the liar-in-chief.   

    Do you think we can keep out or quarantine Ebola?  When the head of the CDC says there is absolutely nothing to worry about, you know this thing is serious.

    With President Zero sending 3,000 troops into the heart of the African ebola zone you know it's coming home sooner or later.