CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street in '82. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa. Raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Drexel Burnham alum. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world elevated on a tech-driven dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', the family winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist.

Monday, October 24, 2016

The Obama Legacy........

It is the greatest scourge to have been hoisted on the backs of Americans.

You know the lies that came with it.  You are paying the price.

The greatest scam started by Obama is his legacy.


Monday in Texas...........

I just happened to run into a long time employee of the ATT Corporation while getting coffee this morning.

I mentioned that it won't be long and one will need a SAG card to work there!

Due Diligence on DNC and Hillary Clinton

(clinton) foundation needs to be low key in 2016
Benghazi opening statement (see attachments)
Hillary's script for the emails discussion.
Note the bit where she talks about all her security prep that her state department does in this leaked (and possibly hacked) email.
Polls are untrustworthy, middle class will go from Dem to Trump, the rich hate Trump according to democrat advisor (see last link in this list for more on Trump)
Podesta talking to the Rockerfellers (Lucy Rockefeller seems against fracking and wants to curb pollution)
Hillary's staffers discuss how there exists classified emails but how they should deny they ever existed
Hillary staffers leaking reports to the NY Post to get them published
CNN suspends reporters for having private political views, also talks about using the "liberal media" as an entity
"The sooner Hillary gets that life is not fair, the better off she will be. I thought she understood this before this race, but apparently I was wrong."
Iran treaty discussion; Hillary wants sanctions and military threats – AIPAC is a violent zionist israel lobby
Media collusion with Podesta getting drafts of NYT articles before they're published
More media collusion with Podesta being aware of media preparations before they break
More pre-published NYT articles being passed along for review
(a Rothschild is not exactly our best voice on income inequality)
dictations from Stuart Eisenstat about policies to say about Israel (HRC later told the Likud fascists at AIPAC everything they wanted to hear). HRC basically eating out of the palm of Israel's hand
Vice showcases Soros warmongering. Soros' video begins with highlighting Russia's right wing nationalism but never suggests that steps to the left in other countries w/o sanctions would set an example
Hillary team concerned about discussions of her Russian Uranium deal;
(good thing that none of the mainstream media organisations have reported on it though!)
ISIS Funded by the Saudis and Qatar
Bill Clinton is damaging for Hillary:
Discussions about reforming laws regarding guantanamo bay (GTMO) and torture with reference from the "National Security Team"
staff member has emotional episode, implied that chelsea clinton knows her
Hillary's stance on gay marriage appears to be one of those "public/private" policy divides she has
Hillary's stance on gay marriage appears to be one of those "public/private" policy divides she has
short list of donor/contributors and amounts, including Soros:
General campaign strategy along with discussion of expanding intelligence agencies
Hillary deleted some emails herself
Fake (or real) sexist job ads from "Trump"?
Extend I.L. Voting
“The key point is that this is not an Obama ask, but a Hillary ask. And the Clintons won't forget what their friends have done for them. It would be helpful to feel out what path, if any, we have to get them to yes. This will probably take some pushing.”
"Can't send it securely? fuck it, change the header."
Clinton foundation
Exceeded its original authorization from the I.R.S
CTR collusion (see attachment) Rothschild shows up
Drone chemical warfare targetted against opium, no mention of collateral harm for farming
Clinton Foundation tied to uranium deal
Selecting board members for SuperPac
Vice looking to help Podesta "In any way they can", Mastromonaco is former obama admin
Why doesnt Hillary turn the server over to a third party? (Staffers believe the FBI will leak the emails)
GOP debate moderator privately emailing Podesta post-debate
(He also had lunch with Hillary's campaign chief 3 weeks before the debate
Head of Yahoo news planning pro-Hillary pieces with Podesta
Obama requesting an edit after some other info had been scrubbed
Top Secret Emails Include Drone Talk
Lynn Rothschild book signing – attachments tab
Token black guy. “put a black guy in charge but don't make any policy changes”
CIA guy to John Podesta: not uplifting learning about problems with foreign donations to CF, paid speeches for hire, Tony Rodham hustling gold mining deals in Haiti
Democrats believe the media is biased against them (sheer paranoia)
Clinton is "hard to confront and reason with"
Vice looking to help Podesta "In any way they can"
Judges should see negative political consequences in ruling against the government
Media not allowed to freely report on Clinton; she dictates the when and how
Hillary feels the need to seed and coordinate chants at her rallies
Breaching of fiduciary duty to the families by communicating their strategy to clintons and allowing it to be dictated by her exposure since she could be implicated
Embassy falling apart after ambassador Cynthia Straum bought the position for 1.4M
H receives questions before debate
10% of sampled emails contained classified information
10% of sampled emails contained classified information
How can we screw with the subpoena?
Long talk on how to bypass coordination laws to get voter lists
Washington post giving campaign advance heads up about ethics article + covering for them
Transcript of private meeting between Hillary and BLM, "Black faces in power doesnt make a difference" and other gems
Identified that staff stripped emails from the subpoena having to do with any and all communication between HRC and BHO.
Charles Adams pay to play: raise enough money and you too can be the ambassador to finland
Trying to come up with good spin for foundation donations from foreign govts
claim that Congressional right to overturn veto is constitutionally flawed
Talking about Accused of Child Sex Abuse hiding
Chelsea laughed at behind her back, everyone thinks the Clintons are back stabbers
Hillary as SoS working at Clinton Foundations with Goldman Sachs
If she does not have a podium to lean on, she keeps the talks short
Talking about UAV weapon system - Drone with sniper rifle
**Sanders' wife begging not to support
Calls Bernie a F*cker and supporters Freaks

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Dean Parisian Voting TRUMP!

If Donald Trump were humble enough to allow people who are sharper on economics, history, and politics to coach and shape his talking points he could easily have pulled out a better lead from the three debates. 
But no, he insists that he can finesse\improv his way into the White House against a professional graft artist like Clinton? 
Have fun with that.

GA TECH take some notes here will you??

Cheating by foreigners is rampant.

At least this school is trying to combat the problem AFTER ADMITTING they have a problem.


Friday, October 21, 2016

Drain the Swamp

Every bribe she takes...
Every law she breaks...
Every smile she fakes,
Every promise she makes,
She'll be lying to you

Thursday, October 20, 2016


It has to be said........

My bride and I watched the debate last night.

The MSM today is hilarious.  Let me see if I got this straight.  Mass voter fraud is proven,  pay-to-play is proven, foreign funding is proven, funneling arms and money to terrorists is proven, silencing Bill's rape victims is proven and the lies coming from the White Mosque, excuse me, the White House are at record pace.

How quickly the Clinton crew forgets that when they attack Trump for any of his past sexual innuendo it reminds us all of superpredator Bill Clinton (WJC of Wikileaks fame)  who so famously got his unit sucked dry from his employee, Monica Lewinsky (and jizzed on her blue dress which she just happened to save which probably saved her life) and was impeached in part for lying under oath about sexually attacking another female employee  by the name of Paula Jones after she sued and was awarded over $800,000 in a settlement.
Today the MSM has their collective heads up the Clinton ass.

Would it be rude of me to point out that loser "accepting" the election results has zero impact on the outcome?

So many paid shills.  So much corruption.  If she is elected, war will commence.   The MIC must be paid off.

Watch and weep.  Lets hope it is not your son or daughter dying.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Finally. Colin Powell you are right about one thing Sir!

Having heard the war monger Colin Powell in a speech last year I thought it timely to say he is finally right on one thing.  

In 2014, Powell wrote that "he would rather not have to vote" for Hillary Clinton  because of reasons that included a report that "her husband was still dicking bimbo's at home".

Well the truth is out.

The "energizer" has been outed.

Julie McMahon will be cocktail party fodder by Saturday night.


FACTS over BS...............

#1 When Barack Obama entered the White House, the U.S. government was 10.6 trillion dollars in debt.  Today, the U.S. government is 19.5 trillion dollars in debt, and Obama still has several months to go until the end of his second term.  That means that an average of more than 1.1 trillion dollars will be added to the national debt during his presidency.  We are stealing a tremendous amount of consumption from the future to make the economy look much, much better than it otherwise would be, and we are systematically destroying the future in the process.
#2 As Obama prepares to leave office, the rate at which we are adding to the national debt is actually increasing.  During the fiscal year that is just ending, the U.S. government has added another 1.36 trillion dollars to the national debt.
#3 It isn’t just the federal government that is on a massive debt binge.  Total U.S. corporate debt has nearly doubled since the end of 2007.
#4 Default rates on U.S. corporate debt are the highest that they have been since the last financial crisis.
#5 Corporate profits have fallen for five quarters in a row, and it is being projected that it will be six in a row once the final numbers for the third quarter come in.
#6 During the month of August, commercial bankruptcy filings were up 29 percent compared to the same period a year ago.
#7 The rate of new business formation in the United States dropped dramatically during the last recession and has hovered at that new lower level ever since.
#8 The Wall Street Journal says that this is the weakest “economic recovery” since 1949.
#9 Barack Obama is on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the U.S. economy grew by at least 3 percent.
#10 In August, the Cass Freight Index dipped to the lowest level that we have seen for that month since 2010.  What this means is that the total amount of stuff being shipped around the country by air, by rail and by truck is really dropping, and this is a clear sign that real economic activity is slowing down in a major way.
#11 Capital expenditure growth has turned negative, and history has shown that this is almost always followed by a new recession.
#12 The percentage of Americans with a full-time job has been sitting at about 48 percent since 2010.  You have to go back to 1983 to find a time when full-time employment in this country was so low.
#13 The labor force participation rate peaked back in 1997 and has been steadily falling ever since.
#14 The “inactivity rate” for men in their prime working years is actually higher today than it was during the last recession.
#15 The United States has lost more than five million manufacturing jobs since the year 2000 even though our population has become much larger over that time frame.
#16 If you can believe it, the total number of government employees now outnumbers the total number of manufacturing employees in the United States by almost 10 million.
#17 One study found that median incomes have fallen in more than 80 percent of the major metropolitan areas in this country since the year 2000.
#18 According to the Social Security Administration, 51 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.
#19 The rate of homeownership in the U.S. has fallen every single year while Barack Obama has been in the White House.
#20 Approximately one out of every five young adults are currently living with their parents.
#21 The auto loan debt bubble recently surpassed the one trillion dollar mark for the first time ever.
#22 Auto loan delinquencies are at the highest level that we have seen since the last recession.
#23 In 1971, 61 percent of all Americans were considered to be “middle class”, but now middle class Americans have actuallybecome a minority in this nation.
#24 One recent survey discovered that 62 percent of all Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.
#25 According to the Federal Reserve, 47 percent of all Americans could not even pay an unexpected $400 emergency room bill without borrowing the money from somewhere or selling something.
#26 The number of New Yorkers sleeping in homeless shelters just set a brand new record high, and the number of families permanently living in homeless shelters is up a whopping 60 percent over the past five years.