On Friday, athlete, bow hunter and one, tough competitor in life, Cameron Hanes, will take on the Moab 240 mile Endurance Run, a 238.3 mile ultra through some of Utah's most challenging terrain.
Excited to see how he finishes because he simply puts in the work to prepare.
In life, that is nearly 90% of the battle.
CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Tuesday highlights from America...........
Whenever I think there's a slight chance of hope for this country in the political arena I am forced to remind myself of all the zoo animals that live off the public dole in every big city in America.
OVERRATED in Dallas Texas
I've been in Dallas for less than a year and haven't taken the time to cook at home very often.
We spend a substantial amount of time dining out. Often. Very often.
Last Saturday night we dined with friends at the Ritz Carleton at FEARINGS before heading over to listen to Mr. Tim McGraw and Ms. Faith Hill pretend to play their guitars and sing some songs.
Mr. Dean Fearing stopped by the table to check in. Nice guy with charm.
The food (and service) was less than stellar. Those two little chunks of buffalo I was served were not anywhere near worth the price tag. I have been eating buffalo since I was 12 years old. Where do they train these cooks?
Along with Ocean Prime and Water Grille it deserves to be mentioned to save you some of your hard earned money.
It will be a long time before we go back.
Friday night we had a disaster at Coal Vines around the corner as well. You would have to pay me to enter again. The white pizza was uneatable and how about being able to just order a single glass of wine? Are you kidding me? No wonder why we questioned there were so many empty tables on a Friday night in Uptown Dallas! At 63 and having lived on both coasts and raising sons I like to think I know an edible pizza from a non-edible.
Coal Vines. Never again. Yuck.
We spend a substantial amount of time dining out. Often. Very often.
Last Saturday night we dined with friends at the Ritz Carleton at FEARINGS before heading over to listen to Mr. Tim McGraw and Ms. Faith Hill pretend to play their guitars and sing some songs.
Mr. Dean Fearing stopped by the table to check in. Nice guy with charm.
The food (and service) was less than stellar. Those two little chunks of buffalo I was served were not anywhere near worth the price tag. I have been eating buffalo since I was 12 years old. Where do they train these cooks?
Along with Ocean Prime and Water Grille it deserves to be mentioned to save you some of your hard earned money.
It will be a long time before we go back.
Friday night we had a disaster at Coal Vines around the corner as well. You would have to pay me to enter again. The white pizza was uneatable and how about being able to just order a single glass of wine? Are you kidding me? No wonder why we questioned there were so many empty tables on a Friday night in Uptown Dallas! At 63 and having lived on both coasts and raising sons I like to think I know an edible pizza from a non-edible.
Coal Vines. Never again. Yuck.
Monday, October 09, 2017
2008, Bailed out Wall Street, Screwed Main Street NEVER FORGET
H R 1424 YEA-AND-NAY 3-Oct-2008 1:22 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Concur in Senate Amendments
BILL TITLE: Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008
DEMOCRATIC | 172 | 63 | ||
REPUBLICAN | 91 | 108 | ||
TOTALS | 263 | 171 |
Abercrombie Ackerman Alexander Allen Andrews Arcuri Baca Bachus Baird Baldwin Barrett (SC) Bean Berkley Berman Berry Biggert Bishop (GA) Bishop (NY) Blunt Boehner Bonner Bono Mack Boozman Boren Boswell Boucher Boustany Boyd (FL) Brady (PA) Brady (TX) Braley (IA) Brown (SC) Brown, Corrine Buchanan Calvert Camp (MI) Campbell (CA) Cannon Cantor Capps Capuano Cardoza Carnahan Carson Castle Clarke Cleaver Clyburn Coble Cohen Cole (OK) Conaway Cooper Costa Cramer Crenshaw Crowley Cubin Cuellar Cummings Davis (AL) Davis (CA) Davis (IL) Davis, Tom DeGette DeLauro Dent Dicks Dingell Donnelly Doyle Dreier Edwards (MD) Edwards (TX) Ehlers Ellison Ellsworth Emanuel Emerson Engel Eshoo Etheridge Everett Fallin Farr Fattah Ferguson Fossella | Foster Frank (MA) Frelinghuysen Gerlach Giffords Gilchrest Gonzalez Gordon Granger Green, Al Gutierrez Hall (NY) Hare Harman Hastings (FL) Herger Higgins Hinojosa Hirono Hobson Hoekstra Holt Honda Hooley Hoyer Inglis (SC) Israel Jackson (IL) Jackson-Lee (TX) Johnson, E. B. Kanjorski Kennedy Kildee Kilpatrick Kind King (NY) Kirk Klein (FL) Kline (MN) Knollenberg Kuhl (NY) LaHood Langevin Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Lee Levin Lewis (CA) Lewis (GA) Lewis (KY) Loebsack Lofgren, Zoe Lowey Lungren, Daniel E. Mahoney (FL) Maloney (NY) Markey Marshall Matsui McCarthy (NY) McCollum (MN) McCrery McGovern McHugh McKeon McNerney McNulty Meek (FL) Meeks (NY) Melancon Miller (NC) Miller, Gary Miller, George Mitchell Mollohan Moore (KS) Moore (WI) Moran (VA) Murphy (CT) Murphy, Patrick Murtha Myrick Nadler Neal (MA) Oberstar Obey Olver Ortiz | Pallone Pascrell Pastor Pelosi Perlmutter Peterson (PA) Pickering Pomeroy Porter Price (NC) Pryce (OH) Putnam Radanovich Rahall Ramstad Rangel Regula Reyes Reynolds Richardson Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Ros-Lehtinen Ross Ruppersberger Rush Ryan (OH) Ryan (WI) Sarbanes Saxton Schakowsky Schiff Schmidt Schwartz Scott (GA) Sessions Sestak Shadegg Shays Shuster Simpson Sires Skelton Slaughter Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Snyder Solis Souder Space Speier Spratt Sullivan Sutton Tancredo Tanner Tauscher Terry Thompson (CA) Thornberry Tiberi Tierney Towns Tsongas Upton Van Hollen Velázquez Walden (OR) Walsh (NY) Wamp Wasserman Schultz Waters Watson Watt Waxman Weiner Welch (VT) Weldon (FL) Weller Wexler Wilson (NM) Wilson (OH) Wilson (SC) Wolf Woolsey Wu Yarmuth |
Aderholt Akin Altmire Bachmann Barrow Bartlett (MD) Barton (TX) Becerra Bilbray Bilirakis Bishop (UT) Blackburn Blumenauer Boyda (KS) Broun (GA) Brown-Waite, Ginny Burgess Burton (IN) Butterfield Buyer Capito Carney Carter Castor Cazayoux Chabot Chandler Childers Clay Conyers Costello Courtney Culberson Davis (KY) Davis, David Davis, Lincoln Deal (GA) DeFazio Delahunt Diaz-Balart, L. Diaz-Balart, M. Doggett Doolittle Drake Duncan English (PA) Feeney Filner Flake Forbes Fortenberry Foxx Franks (AZ) Gallegly Garrett (NJ) Gillibrand Gingrey | Gohmert Goode Goodlatte Graves Green, Gene Grijalva Hall (TX) Hastings (WA) Hayes Heller Hensarling Herseth Sandlin Hill Hinchey Hodes Holden Hulshof Hunter Inslee Issa Jefferson Johnson (GA) Johnson (IL) Johnson, Sam Jones (NC) Jordan Kagen Kaptur Keller King (IA) Kingston Kucinich Lamborn Lampson Latham LaTourette Latta Linder Lipinski LoBiondo Lucas Lynch Mack Manzullo Marchant Matheson McCarthy (CA) McCaul (TX) McCotter McDermott McHenry McIntyre McMorris Rodgers Mica Michaud Miller (FL) Miller (MI) | Moran (KS) Murphy, Tim Musgrave Napolitano Neugebauer Nunes Paul Payne Pearce Pence Peterson (MN) Petri Pitts Platts Poe Price (GA) Rehberg Reichert Renzi Rodriguez Rogers (MI) Rohrabacher Roskam Rothman Roybal-Allard Royce Salazar Sali Sánchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Scalise Scott (VA) Sensenbrenner Serrano Shea-Porter Sherman Shimkus Shuler Smith (NE) Smith (NJ) Stark Stearns Stupak Taylor Thompson (MS) Tiahrt Turner Udall (CO) Udall (NM) Visclosky Walberg Walz (MN) Westmoreland Whitfield (KY) Wittman (VA) Young (AK) Young (FL) |
An ETF that holds Bitcoin futures. "A derivative of a derivative of an unregulated asset "
A sure thing!!! (Until it isn't"
A sure thing!!! (Until it isn't"
Thursday, October 05, 2017
United States Congress
I met a fairy who said she would grant me one wish.
Immediately I said, "I want to live forever."
"Sorry," said the fairy, "I'm not allowed to grant eternal life."
"OK," I said, "Then, I want to die after Congress gets its head out of its ass!"
The fairy replied, "You crafty bastard."
Wednesday, October 04, 2017
Puerto Rico Debt
Puerto Rico's $74 billion of debt is less than 1 month of Fed monetization.
It's only 10.5% of what Paulson & Kashkari gave their pals!
It's only 10.5% of what Paulson & Kashkari gave their pals!
Novel Law Enforcement Action
I've heard that Police Departments in many cities have replaced sirens with the National Anthem to force suspects to stop running and take a knee. WINK!
Monday, October 02, 2017
Calling bullshit on ex-con Milken..........
My legacy isn't any one asset class like junk bonds. It's the understanding of capital structure and how best to finance companies that create jobs and drive change.
Michael Milken
Financier and Philanthropist
That is all good, it's called selective memory. I wish I could've gotten a handful of those side-pocket sweetheart deals via warrants in junk offerings myself. For the 10,000 proud flag-waving employees of Drexel Burnham Lambert it's a different story about your legacy.
Michael Milken
Financier and Philanthropist
That is all good, it's called selective memory. I wish I could've gotten a handful of those side-pocket sweetheart deals via warrants in junk offerings myself. For the 10,000 proud flag-waving employees of Drexel Burnham Lambert it's a different story about your legacy.
What is the score?
Here is the score boys and girls and for those of you in Marty, Mandaree and Manderson.
67 Trillion US Total Debt
4 Trillion Fed Balance Sheet
107 Trillion US Unfunded Debt
242 Trillion US Banks Derivatives
That sums to 420 Trillion in Debt that will not stop compounding.
Outdoor Concerts and Life in America
If the outdoor music scene is your thing you might want to heed this advice. It looks like the kooks are ramping things to a new level. Sick twisted demented scum bags for sure.
Prepare. Buy a tourniquet, a real one that has a windlass and know how to apply it. It may save your life and is probably much more useful than a sidearm once the shooters open up.
And while you are shopping throw in a clotting sponge for good measure!
God Bless this great country.
Prepare. Buy a tourniquet, a real one that has a windlass and know how to apply it. It may save your life and is probably much more useful than a sidearm once the shooters open up.
And while you are shopping throw in a clotting sponge for good measure!
God Bless this great country.
Sunday, October 01, 2017
NFL National Felons League
It's Sunday, October 1, 2017.
What a great day today.
Didn't watch a single play on any device.
Hell with them. Since 2000, more than 850 NFL players have been arrested!!!
And boycott these companies if you care........
What a great day today.
Didn't watch a single play on any device.
Hell with them. Since 2000, more than 850 NFL players have been arrested!!!
And boycott these companies if you care........
§ Anheuser-Busch
§ Barclaycard US
§ Bose
§ Bridgestone
§ Campbell’s Soup Company
§ Castrol
§ Courtyard Marriott
§ Dairy Management, Inc. (Fuel Up to Play 60)
§ Dannon
§ Extreme Networks
§ FedEx
§ Frito-Lay
§ Gatorade
§ Hyundai Motor America
§ Mars Snackfood
§ Microsoft
§ Nationwide
§ News America
§ Papa John’s
§ Pepsi
§ Procter & Gamble
§ Quaker
§ Verizon
§ Visa
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