CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

So long Dallas, Texas, hello Tennessee

Dallas Texas.    One of America’s finest.  Thank you.  

Thank you for the memories.

To the best State Fair on Planet Earth, thank you.  To the arts scene and the philanthropic bent of its patrons, thank you.  To the trains, the airports, forward thinkers at the Dept of Transportation, the Uber and Lyft professionals, what a great ride!   To the Stars, Rangers and Cowboys and all the Texas cowboys who ride and ranch across this great state, and of course the great ATT PBR event that brings the worlds best to Dallas, thank you.   To the Mavericks, keep working to get better and good luck in keeping your owner off the bench and his mouth shut.   To the Dallas Safari Club leadership and membership best of luck and thank you for all you do in conservation across the planet.   To the high school bass fishing scene, keep it going.  To the Texas high school footballers, you guys set the bar in America! 

To the great restaurants in Dallas and those who toil to serve the likes of me, thank you.  The French Room in the Adolphus is a TOP FIVE on my life list!   To the Capital Grille, Fearings, Perry's, Del Frisco Double Eagle, Yao Fuzi in Plano, Steel, Mercury, Meza Maya, Doc B's, Bistro 31, Pacifica Grill, just keeping doing what you all do so well.  To the Texas night life on McKinney, don’t stop doing what you do, even for old guys like me it is world class and very entertaining.  To Ryan and Emma Jean at the Rattlesnake Bar in the Ritz, thank you for all the good times. To the great bartenders at the action-packed Moxies, you guys are great in a crowded theatre of testosterone and story-telling.   To mates Lindsey and Nicole, how can I thank you enough?  Your care and concern for taking care of BOO was so appreciated.  I wish you both the very best in your careers.  To my black, gay friend Ronnie, I wish you tremendous success with your line of cosmetics.  To Brandi Coco King, keep on making Dallas a better place with your smile and attitude.  To my old friend and teammate, Mike Miller and his wife, Cindy, I wish you both the very best in retirement and in your golf game.   To the breakfast crew at the Zsa Zsa Hotel, thank you for your excellent service.   
To the Ft. Worth Stock Show, please keep getting better and better, there’s nothing like it.  To the Katy Trail walkers, keep on keeping on, you made it a pleasure to hammer out the miles.  And to the owners of the ICE HOUSE, you do one heck of a job for an outdoor venue.   To pastor Robert Jeffress thank you for bringing His word to so many,  you are in charge of one of the best church’s in the world.   To the great men and women of the Dallas Police Department your attitude and demeanor in a world on a dopamine binge is heroic after putting up with the carnage inflicted on your brothers a couple years ago.   I hope the DPD pension mess gets straightened out sooner rather than later!  And last but not least to the morning shift crew at the Waffle House on Ross, keep those eggs scrambled and the coffee hot and quiet. 

To the many corporate chieftains who call Dallas home, thank you for your civic responsibility to make Dallas a better city every year.  To Chloe, who took care of us for so long at Ruth's Chris, thank you.  To the big money people, whoever you are, that are behind the caretakers at the park on Harry Hynes Blvd  and Cedar Springs a huge shout-out, your generosity never went unnoticed.

Dallas, you are everything a city could want, keep it that way.  The Dallas vibe is a beautiful thing, may it always reflect the friendliness, the pride and the people of the Great State of Texas!

As the new offices of Chippewa Partners are complete, I look forward to Tennessee, but Dallas, you will always hold a special place in my heart!    Hook 'em horns!!!!!!!!!!!