CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Fathers Day 2021


My greatest accomplishment.   Healthy, God-fearing, motivated, hard working, physically active, self-sufficient hunters.  Both with engineering degrees, both employed, both  make being a FATHER the greatest feeling.  I always said my job was to get them into the adult world.  Mission accomplished.  So happy and proud of them for their effort, hard work and attitude.  Glad they got their Mom's good looks!

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Montana drought?

 "How bad is it?  It's a hell of a lot worse than you think it is."

Great quote this morning from Roger Lothspeich of Miles City!

Monday, June 14, 2021

Wanted to hit above $8.6 today but .............

 $8,598,159.08  $26,198.60

Market doesn't care what I think, what I feel, what I want.

It is going to do whatever it wants with me or without me.

Made some mistakes as I do every day.  Still learning at 67.

Sunday, June 13, 2021



It just feels good.  Quarterly taxes are part of the equation and 6/15 isn't far off.  My check is in the mail and that number will be going down by nearly 6 figures.    Keeping the PPP loans, give-away programs, stimmy checks, Section 8 housing payments, WIC,  Social Security disability checks to fully able, fully functioning liars, even the "c'mon man, we need reparations" crowd is in line to hog some of my gains, my profits.

I am thankful Dave Utter took me to a William O'Neil luncheon in 1984. 

The stock market doesn't care you grew up on Indian reservations or are a member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe at the White Earth Reservation.  It doesn't care that you went to 4 high schools in 3 different states while living in government housing.

The stock market doesn't care about my profits or my losses.

It is simply up to me.  My responsibility.   My health, my life.

My money.   

My Covid analysis this weekend!

The Democrats are the party of control: what you eat, what you wear on your face, deeming your job or business essential or not. Sad part is, some of you have given them this control and expect it to save you. The government will never save you. 

Save yourself.

99.8% of the people you come in contact with are not infected.

The average Covid age of death 78, which is 2 years OLDER than the normal average age of death at 76.

If I were scared of COVID I would get the vaccine but, first let's be clear.  The Covid-19 Jab is not a vaccine. The Covid-19 Jab is a mRNA modifier. If the Covid-19 mRNA modifier Jab was a vaccine then you wouldn't catch Covid-19 after receiving it.  And we know for a fact that people who have received the jab later got Covid-19. So let's stop the BS. 

Another fact we know is the mask, face diaper whatever you call it doesn't do a damn thing from preventing Covid-19. 

But authorities are still pushing it as if they are living under a rock, which they are.

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Work as a form of escapism.

Being busy and burying your head in work provides a great escape from having to deal with the fundamentals in life such as personal fulfilment, quality relationships and a satisfying sense of direction in life. Many people bury themselves in work and use this as an excuse to bumble along and not deal with more important issues such as their personal relationships and even their own happiness. Work provides a convenient excuse to chug along in automatic mode, it provides structure and a framework and can easily take over your life if you let it.

What most people forget though, is that when all is said and done, very few people wish they had worked longer hours. Most wish they had enjoyed life more. 

Very little matters at the end when we are old and decrepit, other than what we gave back and friends and family. 

DAD and the compounding work, effort, time and money

My late grandfather, Walter Marquart was one of the hardest working men I have ever known in my life.  From chopping massive piles of wood in his 70's with a chainsaw and axe to shoveling the biggest snow drifts in history, I saw it all.  He also believed in saving.  Pennies, nickels, dimes and dollars.

Hard work is all he knew.  With an 8th grade education and having to marry his pregnant girlfriend at 21 he just worked every day.  His dream of becoming a Park Ranger never materialized, instead he worked the land on the farm where he was born.    Grampa had 5 sisters who pampered him as he was the youngest and he never had a haircut until he started school. 

He probably wasn't up to speed on simple compounding of returns and never owned a stock in his life.  The Rule of 72 wasn't his thing but he understand the use of measurement in rods instead of feet.     

Living on that farm with Gramma and Grampa while in college was a unique experience for me.   I learned early on that when I worked I wanted to make money not just work for the sake of working or making something "look good".   Why not let your work compound for you?   If you are going to put in time, effort and energy away from your family maybe you should be making some money I thought.  I never wanted to look back and regret that I wasted a lot of time in doing meaningless shit.  

I learned that if you work hard enough at anything you can get what you want.   Motivation, desire and goals work well with hard work.  I never wanted to look back with regret.

Today is the 10th anniversary of my Dad's passing.  It seems just like yesterday I felt the warmth of his body slowly dissipate.

I wish I had more days with Dad and Mom ahead.  


Monday, June 07, 2021

J. Robert Winegardner

Bob was my first boss in San Diego.  The time was 1979.  He was a good boss, a great man. Bob never had to take me to all of those San Diego Clipper games but he did. I learned many things from him that I had never been exposed to and that I carry with me to this day.

Here is Mr. Winegardner's life.

La Jolla J. Robert Winegardner, a prominent insurance executive, passed away March 28, 2016.He was raised in Hollywood and attended Hollywood High and U.C.L.A., where he was a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He served in the Navy in World War II and Korea and his last duty was as Supply Officer of the USS Atlas. He retained his commission in a retired reserve status until his death.Associated with the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Milwaukee for over fifty years, he was General Agent for the company in San Diego before retiring in 1979. Prior to coming to San Diego in 1961, he was sales leader in the Los Angeles agency when that agency was also the number one agency in the country. He became a life member of the Million Dollar Round Table of the National Association of Life Underwriters in 1959.In San Diego he was President of the General Agents and Managers Association, President of the Chapter of the American Society of Chartered Life Underwriters and President of the San Diego U.C.L.A. Alumni Association.An avid tennis player he had belonged to the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club and played in many local tournaments. He kept alive, as long as possible, a La Jolla tradition of weekly English pocket billiards at his home with many friends.He is survived by his wife of 69 years, Virginia; daughters Susan Daly (Lance), Nancy Ivey (Bill), Joanne Joby Bakken (Kyle), all of San Diego. Janet Winegardner of San Francisco. 

Now let me tell you about Bob Winegarder.  He liked hustle.  He liked a positive attitude.   On a side desk, prominently displayed were many bits and pieces of paper full of great quotes.  Quotes that were motivating and inspirational. Here is a quote that Bob handed to me in 1979.

It's been on alot of desks and sits prominently on a computer in my office to this day.   



Work. Just hard work.

One of my favorite things to share with stock market investors is the following phrase. 

"People get out of the stock market exactly what they want to get out of the stock market."

One thing I can say for sure is that if you want winning performance out of your investments you better be prepared to do the work and know that losses are the cost of doing business.

Whether you feel the stock market is a gamblers paradise or a safe haven for the long term to increase your purchasing power in years to come, you will probably get from the market what you want.

A short 15 months ago  on March 23, 2020 my assets were a tad over $5,766,000.   It was an ugly time.  I didn't sell into the negativity and bad press.  I held, day after day.  It didn't feel good but I knew Covid mania was temporary.  Life would go on, in America, around the world.

If you want to do the work, put in the time, suffer the pain of declining markets and have some success remember, no one cares more than you about your money.  Get in that relationship with your goals.  Know that preparation eliminates fear.  The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare.  

Today was the first day my portfolio went over the $8.4 million mark.  My near term goal is $10 million.  You think I will get there?  No need to think.  You know the answer.  

You can't stop hard work, preparation and attitude.  Success isn't owned, it's leased and rent is due every day.  It's not how life happens to us.  It how we happen in life.

Remember, God feeds the birds but God doesn't drop worms into the nest.  


You can have results or excuses. Not both.

I go to Planet Fitness often.  I like the facility, the people, the company and it's mantra.  I hear this so much from people,

"I'll start after the summer."

"I"ll train when things slow down at work."

"I'll eat better when I have more time."

"I'll start when this Covid shit is over."

No, not a chance.  You won't do shit. 

Why? Because you are afraid to do the work.

Stop bullshitting yourself.  Don't lie, no one believes it either.  

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Homeowner Associations Board of Directors

Never ever forget,  HOA Boards are the breeding grounds for upcoming Stalinesque regimes.  They would make Putin and Xi very proud. 

Usually without fail, there is one or two or several Board members who are silly little useless assholes that want a taste of power.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Ready for old age with the best canes from Victor!


Thank you Native americank tribal financial overseer of the Chippewa Dean Parisian for many years for followig and retweetig my humbel thoughts
Dean Parisian your retweets of my humble thoughs to your former tribal clients tend to couterbalane mine regardig how bad baseball commercialls make you feel these days. By the way , Larry Ritters bet friends on the yankees bus were nincknamed Native american or what