CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Health, Life, Happiness

 DT Parisian

Do you still believe physicians care about your health? The purpose of medicine is to have you come back for more medicine. M.D.'s will not and do not prescribe great food, healthy nutrition, walking shoes, gym memberships, or exercise.
Why? No $$ in that "health care".
They want and need you to come back for MORE MEDICINE!


Jessica Hockett.   I don't know you and have never talked to you.

I ran into your substack today and noted that you are banned on X.    Elon Musk needs to get that squared away quickly.

I am sharing your piece on COVID-19 on my blog for the world to read. Once RFK Jr. gets going, the BIG PHARMA crowd will be on the run. I have been sick for a few days this Christmas, thinking I might have COVID-19. The tests said I didn't.    You are a diligent researcher and doing the right thing.   Keep it up and don't stop now.


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Documenting my current position on the COVID shot, including on the question of whether the COVID Shot is a driver of excess mortality, with content adapted from a June 2024 thread on X, plus a few personal notes. Page subject to revisions/updates and corrections.

a blue and white medical device on a colorful background

I believe the deployment of COVID shot was/is:

  • a crime against humanity and gross violation of fundamental rights and bodily integrity. There is no scientific or medical evidence of a coronavirus spreading suddenly from human to human, adding danger of severe illness or death and requiring special treatments or a dedicated injection.

  • injurious or fatal to millions of children & adults around the world and inherently risky to the mental and/or physical well-being of all who were injected with it.

  • morally/ethically wrong irrespective of other harms because it was rooted in lies about a new transmissible disease and what the shot was and could do or did do for recipients. All claims about necessity, safety, and efficacy were false.

  • illegally executed. Recognizing that experts in each nation or jurisdiction are in the best position to assess legality, I do not see how any recipient of the COVID shot in any country - irrespective of the recipient’s willingness - could have granted informed consent. Consent was not properly or sufficiently informed.¹

  • fueled by fear-based campaigns. I’m hard-pressed to conjure a reason an individual would have received the initial COVID injection or subsequent boosters that is not related to fear-inducing lies, propaganda, and mandates from government, health agencies, and related industries - be it fear of a getting or spreading a virus/illness, fear of not being able to do something or go somewhere, fear of losing a job/income, fear of being shamed not appearing virtuous, fear of losing relationships or social status, etc.

I am unpersuaded that the COVID shot is a primary driver of excess death, for the following reasons:

  1. I do not trust the daily all-cause death curves of any country and suspect that some, if not many, are manipulated.² Until a country substantiates the number of deaths it claims occurred on each day, regardless of cause, with basic publicly-accessible death records that include decedent name, date of death, place of death, and causes attributed, its data should be regarded as potentially distorted.³ It’s highly unlikely that the same countries who have lied about there being a global pandemic emergency - and played all manner of data games to hide myriad sins - are telling the truth about all-cause mortality.

  2. After spring 2020, the factors influencing health and mortality are too numerous, compounded, and cumulative to be disentangled. This is intentional and likely affords the government and pharmaceutical numerous protections (for the time being).

  3. As far as I know, no studies have attempted to account for other seasonal injections adults received in between or concurrent to the COVID shot, or for the cumulative effects of seasonal shots on the immune system - especially the systems of older adults. This is a critical error of omission, especially since the annual flu shot has enjoyed relatively low scrutiny and unwarranted benefit-of-the-doubt.

In my opinion, governing authorities and national/global agencies are relatively “fine” with COVID shot criticism & discussion at this point because

  • it directs attention away from the initial Democidal fraud event of 2020, including the WHO’s bogus pandemic declaration,

  • it leaves intact the claim that something was suddenly spreading from person to person;

  • it gives various officials & politicians an acceptable way to redeem themselves from their “COVID response” failures and hypocrisies without having to address tougher questions about whether there was a pandemic at all; and

  • Fait accompliThe COVID shot accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish.

Expanding a bit on the last point, I believe SARS-CoV-2 (whatever it is) and its corresponding shot were decoys, effectively, and themselves “countermeasures” for serious, ongoing, and compounding problems created by the flu shot and other vaccines and (possibly) fentanyl in the recreational and illicit drug supplies, and contaminated vaping agents.

This is not to say there weren’t other, broader, longstanding motives for “Operation COVID” on the part of one or more groups of people & sectors, including (but not limited to):

  • A general desire to on-ramp the mRNA platform (beyond trying to fix flu shot problems)

  • Infusing pharmaceutical and other industries/systems with cash

  • Return on Investment (ROI) for years of pandemic/bioterrorism preparedness

  • Culling the elderly and other sub-groups who draw from or are dependent on government programs

  • Achieving Digital ID/digital currency and biosurveillance goals

  • Trying to control the number of people on Earth

  • Hubristic and dangerous aspirations within philanthropic circles about disease eradication

I differ from other analysts regarding motive in that I believe there were real problems related to illness/disease, chronic conditions, and mortality within & across age groups before 2020 that the U.S. in particular was trying to hide & “solve” because those problems were largely government’s fault. A staged global pandemic helped - and is still helping - shield government, its private partnerships, and other parties from significant liabilities.

I refrain from using the term ‘bioweapon’ to characterize the COVID shot for reasons I explained here:

Wood House 76
In this post, I transfer two Twitter threads with my layperson’s opinion on use of the term ‘bioweapon’ in the COVID discussion and the question of whether the U.S. government activated ‘vaccine’ countermeasures in response to SARS-CoV-2. (I made some adjustments for readability and added some content here and there…
a month ago · 51 likes · 9 comments · Jessica Hockett

Personal Notes

  • I did not receive the COVID shot, nor do I recall telling anyone outside of my immediate family whether they should get it.

  • My main arguments against vaccine mandates, passports, and coercion are religious in nature and similar to those I invoked in objections to mask mandates. Ethically, legally, and biblically, it’s a question of who has authority over an individual’s body and in what circumstances. (In most cases, NOT government.)

  • I followed Illinois and Chicago COVID shot data very closely in 2021-2022 and concluded there was no basis for any of the claims authorities made regarding efficacy or the “threat” posed by unvaccinated individuals. I captured the Chicago Department of Public Health’s shenanigans with definitions and disappearing of data. I lost interest in following “vaccination” statistics because the COVID case definition creates analysis problems that are near-impossible to resolve.

  • I actively opposed all mandates and coercive tactics related to the COVID shot - and to mask mandates, which served as social-psychological “training wheels” for the shots. I was involved in publicity, data analysis, and testimony in several cases involving mandates. (Also mentioned here.)

  • I haven’t attended more funerals or known more people who have died in 2020 or the years since than I did prior to 2020, regardless of cause. I don’t personally know anyone whose death is suspected of being related to the COVID shot.

  • Regarding injuries or adverse events: I had several female friends who told me about menstrual cycle issues following the shot; another female friend recently shared that she’s been diagnosed with myocarditis and believes the shot is the culprit. A doctor I know treated a teen boy who was enrolled in the Pfizer booster trial. (Story told in thread here.)

  • I support the research and advocacy efforts of those who are working tirelessly to expose the evils and harms of the COVID shot. I observe a tendency among some to blame the injection and contents thereof for an incredible and unlikely range of health problems, conditions, and types of death.

  • As a result of events in 2020 and 2021, I’ve come to realize that requiring a vaccine or medical treatment as a condition of attending work, school, public access, or movement within a country is fundamentally wrong and should be illegal. Restricting movement between countries is more complicated because countries do have the power (and responsibility) to control the people and goods crossing their borders. Without strong evidence that a vaccine prevents an illness, transmission of an illness, and poses very low risk to the recipients, the legal foundation for requiring any vaccine to travel or move to a country is weak.


The same could be said with most shots/vaccines. I don’t remember being told of the potential risks to me or my unborn first child when the Ob/Gyn told me I needed the flu shot, for example. For


It only takes one city in a country to render the all cause daily curve in the country manipulated. If NYC is a distortion in timing or magnitude, then the U.S. curve is as well. The same would be true for Bergamo and Italy and (if applicable) London and the UK, Madrid and Span, etc. It works the other direction too with countries or cities which reported suspiciously low/below normal death in spring 2020, i.e., New Zealand, Australia, Germany

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


If you pay tax to the United States Government you should contact the call center at the Department of Government Efficiency and report some of this egregious abuse of YOUR money.

Remember, it's not what you get for Christmas it's what YOU support with your money for Uncle Sam to piss away.

In a hot stream of unadulterated depravity read it and weep. 

Dr. Rand Paul's 2024 Report on WASTE!

Friday, December 20, 2024


Happy Birthday to me and thank you to my Mom............she did all the work!

Been a grand ride around the sun but time is not refundable.

Not much difference besides a mustache from 70 to 71.  Weight down.  Eating well. Feel strong, legs need more miles.  Losing fat is hard. Being fat, obese, or overweight is harder.  Always something to do. 

I didn't harvest an elk, an antelope, or a deer this year.  May never again.

Last night was great. Had so much scenery, and it was so close to the boat.

Whales. Seals. Birds. Mahi-mahi chasing schools of baitfish. Massive flock of man-o-war birds. Great night on the water. Great food and family. Blessed and thankful. Another day in Baja!!!

I received several nice presents today (a new Keurig coffee maker had my name on it, thank you), but Mr. Market came through in true holiday ebullience.

What more could a trader ask for?  It's been a solid year.  I don't make prognostications often, but I would assume it will be tougher in 2025 without the Mag 7 garnering all the attention.  Some phenomenal companies are doing great things with explosive earnings out there.   Let's hope more Palantir's find their way into my portfolio.

I did sell half my Costco position above a grand the other day.  When they announce a split I will be back in size.  

Last night it was time to celebrate.  I had a martini.

Alcohol doesn't do it for me these days.  Seldom imbibe.  It'll be another year until my next martini!

Elon, Vance, Vivek, and the rest of the Trump Train are about to leave the station.   What a time to be alive!


And in 2025 keep my favorite quotes in mind.  They have served me well.

The extra mile is never crowded.

Americans underestimate the value of pure freedom.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. 

Choice, not chance, determines your destiny. 

Luck, typically created by hard work colliding with opportunity.


Thursday, December 19, 2024

College Life..................


This time in my life was special.  College days.  Trapping my way through life!  $65 for a red fox pelt was special then and still is today.  It was then that I knew I would always work for myself.  I would always cook what I caught, and eat what I killed.

I had one job in college that I despised.   I worked for the Minnesota Highway Department, a state government job that taught me about the lack of incentives for employees to do the right thing for taxpayers.  I couldn't imagine working for a government agency or large corporation for a career. 

I earned a degree in social science with a secondary teaching certificate in Minnesota and quickly learned that teaching was rewarding but wasn't going to take me where I wanted.   Sitting in teachers' lounges listening to teachers gossip about students and their parents wasn't my cup of tea nor was the simple fact that no matter what I tried, the same kids in the back of the class that were goofballs on the first day of school would be jag-offs on the last day of the school year.  I can't imagine the difficulty in classrooms today without a father in sight for them.         


New CDC study finds Pfizer's COVID vaccine increases the risk of infection and symptomatic disease in young children who have never had COVID.

Hey You, Yes, You, CONGRESS, listen up............

The only people in the United States of Amerca that deserve a pay raise are the AMERICAN PEOPLE.

Not Congress, not the Senate.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

It's Mexico .......................


Milton Eagles H.S. Football, Georgia Champions!

A big shout-out to the Milton High School Football Team for last night winning the top spot in Georgia over Langston-Hughes H.S. by a score of 56 to 35.  Thank you also to Georgia Public Broadcasting and all its sponsors for allowing me to sit here in Palmilla, in San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico, and watch the game on my phone! 

Ben Reaves is the real deal as head coach.  It is Milton's first 15-0 season!   Congratulations to the entire community, the coaches, staff, Milton H.S. administration, and the staff surrounding this effort.     

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Ghost Ranch sits on the northern bank of the Yellowstone River for a couple of miles.

Click on this link and enjoy!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Elon Musk X and Donald J. Trump

I can't imagine how far down the rabbit hole we would be if Elon Musk had not mustered up $44,000,000,000 and purchased X. 

The injustice of the media, the agencies, the politicians, and liberal lunatics against Mr. Trump were out of control.

The courage, experience, love of country, perseverance and the intelligence of Musk and Trump will be on center stage for years.

God Bless America and God Bless Elon Musk and Donald Trump.  


The clueless media is worked up about the criminal families that will be separated when being deported during the Trump 47 reign.  These criminals invaded the United States in the last four years and are about to be deported from the country.

These media hounds and clowns had not a care in the world for elderly family members who died alone during the COVID lockdowns. 

Pilots over New Jersey, BEWARE!


Sunday, December 15, 2024

Waterfowlers in America!

It was right at legal light, maybe 3 seconds after.

They came into the decoy spread with legs down. I heard it coming and hit the flock with a load of 3.5-inch buckshot............. I was told it isn't wise to eat them.

Not a clue on bag limits but I couldn't pass it up.

Waiting on the F.B.I. C.I.A., D.H.S. now before I take it to my taxidermist.  Might be tough to clean it.`

Thursday, December 12, 2024

For young people the world over.........

I stumbled across Mr. Vitaliy Katsenelson years ago on Victor Niederehoffers' site, DAILY SPECULATIONS. I own shares of Berkshire Hathaway and thought Vitaliy's writing should be shared. He is a great author and probably a great investment manager.

Q&A Series: Money Habits for Kids and the Power of Writing

I wanted to share with you some edited excerpts from a Q&A session I held with readers in Omaha during Berkshire Hathaway's shareholder meeting weekend. In this email, we'll explore teaching money habits to young people and how writing has improved my investment approach.

How do you teach good money habits to young people? 

What skills should kids learn?

I'm a big believer in scarcity and constraints. My kids get limited allowances, always less than they think they need. For instance, my 18-year-old daughter gets $20 a week – just enough to visit Starbucks twice. This scarcity motivated her to get a job at a coffee shop and work at IMA to supplement her allowance.

With Jonah, I used a different approach in high school. I paid him for his grades, but with an interesting system. He got nothing for C's, lost money for D's and F's, and earned money for B's and A's. If he got okay grades, he got nothing. Great grades meant a good payout. He went from a 1.3 GPA in 11th grade to a 3.9 GPA in 12th grade. Money wasn't the only motivator, but it helped.

The point is, no matter how much you make, you can always spend more. You always have trade-offs. Hannah has to choose between going to the movies or eating out an extra time. That's how I deal with teaching money management.

How has writing helped you become a better investor? 

I'm so thankful for this question, especially because my kids are here. I want them to hear this answer twice a day. For anyone who wants to be a thoughtful, mindful human being, writing daily is crucial, even if it's just for five or 15 minutes.

Think about it – throughout the day, we're so busy with life, picking up kids from school, scrolling through TikTok; we don't have time to think, right? But when you sit down to write, it's pure focused thinking. That's all it is.

None of you would be here if I didn't write. I'd be a far less interesting person without writing. It gives me time to ponder all these different topics. Without it, I wouldn't have the mental space to even consider how to answer this question.

Take my latest investment, for example. I've spent countless hours in front of my computer, writing about it, thinking it through, finding logical gaps in my reasoning, then going back and rethinking it all. This process is invaluable, and I believe everyone should give writing a shot.

I'm a morning person, so I write early. But Walter Isaacson writes at night. The key is finding a time that works for you, doing it daily or almost daily, and just start journaling. I'm proud that my son is journaling almost every day now.

Writing has transformed me as an investor. It forces me to organize my thoughts, challenge my assumptions, and dive deeper into my analysis. It's not just about putting words on paper; it's about thinking critically and clearly. When you explain something in writing, you often uncover gaps in your understanding or flaws in your logic. This process of self-discovery and refinement is priceless in investing, where clear thinking and thorough analysis make all the difference.

How do working-class people approach bargaining with employers without unions? 

That's a great question. About 90% of our economy functions without unions, and we're doing fine. I think the key to bargaining with your employer is to create more value. This is advice I give my kids: Be more valuable than your cost. It's that simple. If you're producing $100,000 of value but want $150,000, you probably don't have much bargaining power.

Let me give you an example using Amazon, which is often criticized. I had dinner with a young woman, a professional musician. She's never taken an economics class and hates Amazon, thinks Jeff Bezos is worse than Putin – I might be exaggerating, but her anger towards Jeff Bezos was intense.

She both criticized Amazon for harsh working conditions in its warehouses and then criticized Amazon for automation. It's a catch-22.

The key is to have skills. In today's world, just having capable hands isn't enough anymore. You need unique skills to be better than others – or robots. That's the reality we're facing. Factories are starting to look like sci-fi movies with all the automation.

This is why I emphasize good education for my kids. I want them to think about how they can create value for their employer. I don't believe anyone owes us anything. There's a sense of entitlement in the younger generation that I disagree with. Maybe it's my immigrant mentality – when I came to this country, I knew nobody owed me anything. I had to achieve everything on my own.

In this new world of automation, it's crucial to have multifaceted skills. Hannah is considering studying psychology and business. There are many who study one or the other, but fewer who combine them. This gives her an edge in the job market.

Interestingly, today you don't necessarily have to go to school in the traditional way. You can take Ivy League classes online for free and build your own curriculum. It's not for everyone – I needed the structure of school – but if you're self-disciplined, it's a viable option.

Imagine two people applying for a job at IMA. One created their own curriculum from various online sources, while the other went to an Ivy League school. I'd probably find the self-taught applicant more interesting. It shows original thinking and value investing principles – they saved $400,000 on tuition!

I have a friend who was rejected by Goldman Sachs. He went home, read 150 books, created outlines of what he learned from each, and reapplied the next year. He got the job. That's the kind of creative thinking I encourage.

Many kids today just click "Apply" on every job on LinkedIn and wonder why they don't get hired. There are 250 other kids doing the same thing. It requires creativity to stand out. That's what I encourage my kids to do.

So, to answer the question: Develop valuable skills, create more value than you cost, and always look for ways to improve. That's your bargaining power in a world without unions.

Becoming good at investing can be challenging, so I’ve crafted a straightforward 6-step guide encompassing the essential lessons every investor ought to grasp.
Grab this guide at no cost today by clicking here.