CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Pine Ridge education on Fathers Day

Being the son of a career Bureau of Indian Affairs Law Enforcement Officer who attended 4 high schools in 3 states it was good exposure to high school educators and those not-so-good. 

I went to private Catholic boarding schools off-reservation, to government boarding schools in Pine Ridge, to off-reservation public high schools.

One of my college degrees was in Secondary Education.   I will never forget my instructor who didn't agree with my stance on education in government BIA schools for Native Americans.   I had 3 quarters of classes with him.  First quarter, took an "A" grade.   Second quarter, took a "B" grade.  Third quarter, took a "C" grade.  Fairly obvious wasn't it?

Blue states and blue cities and America are in trouble with educating youth.

There doesn't appear to be a Father in sight!   Two parent households?  Where do you find them in the inner city?

All I see is fake diplomas, fake learning, fake "teachers", fake test scores, fake parents, and fake intentions of changing it.

I see new trans bathrooms, free abortions for the staff, and solar panels on the buildings.  This elevates the aura and the school atmosphere and shows real commitment to students which makes them study harder out of respect for the taxpayers investment.

Students will lay down their guns, show up to school daily, put down the pot pipe, toss out the smokeless tobacco, and walk through the metal detectors ready to learn about LGBT history and how evil the white man and America is every day.

My Dad always said you can only make diamonds from coal that is under a great deal of pressure.   Why would you expect test scores to go up when taxpayer money is being spent on metal detectors, multiple layers of security, and often a bomb (gunpowder) sniffing dog at each school?

The finest principal at what was once, Oglala Community High School in Pine Ridge, S.D., was James Lomax.  Bar none.   Jim was a football player at Chadron State in Chadron, Nebraska.  He married a girl from Scottsbluff and they worked and lived in Pine Ridge as educators.  Jim took no bullshit from anyone.  He was fair.  He called it like he saw it.  He was what Pine Ridge needs today.  He is what every school system needs today.

Jim lived across the park from my family and I often would go over to visit him while in high school.   He shared a beer with me from time to time when I wasn't playing sports.  At that time he had no children and he treated me like his own.  Jim was the first person to tell me that spending more funds on public schools was never intended to improve educational outcomes. It was always meant to funnel more money to teachers and unions. 

Society is corrupt to the core and full of grifters at all levels looking to cash in on government money.

Your congressman, school teachers, college professors, large corporations, physicians, etc. the list is endless.

Do you hear that sound?  Listen closely.

It is the sucking on the big government teat.

On Fathers Days, every kid needs a FATHER, not a sire.

And that, is one of the biggest problems for America.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Davie Byrne

The magic wasn't the music, dance, and demeanor of David Byrne.

The million-dollar question was and will always be how he assembled Lynn Mabry, Ednah Holt, and Simi Stone on stage with him.

Talent on loan from God.

Biden at the G-7 on Fathers Day

If it weren't so sad it would be comical.

The clown show in the Biden Administration has no strategy for anything.

They botch everything they do and then some while criticizing other countries for not having a "clear strategy".  Would someone please ask these governining misfits what is America's clear strategy in Afhanistan, in Iran, and in the Ukraine besides making billions more for the Military Industrial Complex?   Our strategy seems to be simple, enrich further the MIC.

Watching Mr. Potatoe Brain is like watching a small disaster about to happen except the disaster is the American economy and the American people. 

Speaking of Biden, his treasonous son, Hunter Biden is untouchable.   The goons doing the investigation of Hunter Biden have an ENTIRE LAPTOP of criminal activity at their disposal and they choose to go after him for lying on a gun application?   GMAFB!!!  

They only chose to pursue charges that would NOT lead back to the President.  See?   Be a good boy now, take one for the GIPPER Hunter and Dad will be just fine.  Besides, your pardon is coming soon. 

So, where is the strategy in Chicago, Baltimore, or St. Louis to make life better for the white and non-white populace?    Not a father in sight, no work ethic, living off the government's proverbial hind teat while drugs, crime, and blight permeate the landscape of the unsheltered.

I see no strategy, I hear no strategy from the liberal left or the right wing led by the joke from Louisiana, Mike Johnson, who supposedly represents the right from his position as Speaker of the House.   He doesn't represent America.  He represents Zelensky better.

Trump by a land-slide.

Americans can see through the charade. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Janet Yellen, serial liar

from a CNBC interview this week,  "All Americans are better off now."

It just doesn't end with the lies and the politics coming from her.

51 American liars

Here’s the list of people who shouldn’t have a job informing the public about anything or ever appear on cable news again:

Mike Hayden, former CIA director, now analyst for CNN
Jim Clapper, former director of national intelligence, now CNN pundit
Leon Panetta, former CIA director and defense secretary
John Brennan, former CIA director, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
Thomas Fingar, former National Intelligence Council chair, now teaches at Stanford University
Rick Ledgett, former National Security Agency deputy director, now a director at M&T Bank
John McLaughlin, former CIA acting director, now teaches at Johns Hopkins University
Michael Morell, former CIA acting director, now at George Mason University
Mike Vickers, former defense undersecretary for intelligence, now on board of BAE Systems
Doug Wise, former Defense Intelligence Agency deputy director, teaches at University of New Mexico
Nick Rasmussen, former National Counterterrorism Center director, now executive director, Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Russ Travers, former National Counterterrorism Center acting director
Andy Liepman, former National Counterterrorism Center deputy director
John Moseman, former CIA chief of staf
Larry Pfeiffer, former CIA chief of staff, now senior advisor to The Chertoff Group
Jeremy Bash, former CIA chief of staff, now analyst for NBC and MSNBC
Rodney Snyder, former CIA chief of staff
Glenn Gerstell, former National Security Agency general counsel
David Priess, former CIA analyst and manager
Pam Purcilly, former CIA deputy director of analysis
Marc Polymeropoulos, former CIA senior operations officer
Chris Savos, former CIA senior operations officer
John Tullius, former CIA senior intelligence officer
David A. Vanell, former CIA senior operations officer
Kristin Wood, former CIA senior intelligence officer, now non-resident fellow, Harvard
David Buckley, former CIA inspector general
Nada Bakos, former CIA analyst and targeting officer, now senior fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute
Patty Brandmaier, former CIA senior intelligence officer
James B. Bruce, former CIA senior intelligence office
David Cariens, former CIA intelligence analyst
Janice Cariens, former CIA operational support officer
Paul Kolbe, former CIA senior operations officer
Peter Corsell, former CIA analyst
Brett Davis, former CIA senior intelligence officer
Roger Zane George, former national intelligence officer:
Steven L. Hall, former CIA senior intelligence officer
Kent Harrington, former national intelligence officer
Don Hepburn, former national security executive, now president of Boanerges Solutions LLC
Timothy D. Kilbourn, former dean of CIA’s Kent School of Intelligence Analysis
Ron Marks, former CIA officer
Jonna Hiestand Mendez, former CIA technical operations officer, now on board of the International Spy Museum
Emile Nakhleh, former director of CIA’s Political Islam Strategic Analysis Program, now at University of New Mexico
Gerald A. O’Shea, former CIA senior operations officer
Nick Shapiro, former CIA deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to the director
John Sipher, former CIA senior operations officer
Stephen Slick, former National Security Council senior director for intelligence programs
Cynthia Strand, former CIA deputy assistant director for global issues
Greg Tarbell, former CIA deputy executive director
David Terry, former National Intelligence Collection Board chairman
Greg Treverton, former National Intelligence Council chair, now senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
Winston Wiley, former CIA director of analysis

Today Across the Land called America

Reality, Front & Center in America 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hunter Biden Poem

An oldie...but too good not to share today on the guilty verdict.  

Hunter, Hunter whores on the couch

What's today's drug of choice in your pouch

What are you smokin'; is that parm or crack

Give daddy the money, he'll keep you on track

Ukraine to China he ain't no slouch


From hookers to in-laws he'll screw them all

The POTUS' son is having a ball

His daddy will say it's ok to cheat

As long as you pay me for milking my teat

But if you get caught you'll take the fall


Just like the rest of the Biden clan

Grabbin' his share was always the plan

It's good to have people to pave the way

With daddy as POTUS it's been pay to play

With kickbacks he was the 'big guy's' G-man 

Probably a MUST READ .........


Things are good and getting better!

Clown world all around.    Saturday I witnessed a tremendous spectacle of fraud and fake by a couple of airline passengers going to Nashville from Cabo.  More on that later, with pictures.  It's amazing the gall of people.

It doesn't end there.  The climate grifters, always yelling about climate change hysteria, the MSM, the deep state, the rise of PC speech, Fauci,  the lies and the money,  the idiots from Hollywood talking trash,  the tranny nonsense, the invasion of millions of criminal aliens, and the vast number of government employees that seem to be making a small mint off of theft, graft and corruption of every sort. 

Today the S&P 500 is on track for a new high, even though...

• More NYSE issues are hitting 52-week lows than highs
• More NYSE issues are declining than advancing
• More NYSE volume is flowing into losers than winners

Long RSP and SPY.  What's not to like?

Life is good.  All is possible.  Big ups to all who have weathered the rough stuff.  It's getting better every day in my world! 

Stay hard. Keep hammering.


Sunday, June 09, 2024

Fathers Day

The one thing he loved to do more than fish was eat fish.

I am 70 years old.  I am grateful for my parents and my grandparents.

At their hands, I learned the value of hard work and to try harder when things got tough.  

Dad is resting with his ancestors today. 

And probably eating fish! 


The LEFT @ Work


Thursday, June 06, 2024

The "Tribe" at work against Donald J. Trump

Harvard University Professor Emeritus Laurence Tribe, Professor of law and top constitutional scholar, remarked: “Think this was a minor crime? Think again! It was arguably the biggest felony in American history. Certainly the most harmful.”

Monday, June 03, 2024


He hasn't practiced medicine for what?   40 years?

This clown did more damage to America than Obama.

The lies flow from him like lies from Hillary Clinton.

Bought and paid for by Big Pharma, the Federal Government of the United States, and NIH, just an endless amount of money for him to spout bullshit to the world and get away with it. 

The following was taken from ZeroHedge.

Caught in a Lie: Dr. Fauci previously testified before Congress that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) wasn’t funding GOF research. Based on current information, Dr. Fauci has been caught in a lie and should answer for it. Not only has the NIH admitted to funding GOF research, they then changed the definition of GOF research to allow continued foreign research funding. What was Dr. Fauci’s role in changing this definition to secure additional funding?

Continuing Deadly Research at U.S. Taxpayers Expense: China locked us out of Wuhan after the novel coronavirus emerged and refused to share the DNA sequence of SARS-CoV-2 and other valuable information. Dr. Fauci must explain how America benefited from these grants to EcoHealth Alliance and other U.S.-funded GOF research conducted in foreign nations.

Oversight Within NIH Grant Process: Dr. Fauci must also be held accountable for overseeing the NIH grant process. We uncovered and sounded the alarm back in October of 2021 that EcoHealth Alliance was out of compliance with NIH grant policies and had not submitted its year-five report. Why did it continue to receive funding?

When confronted about this, Dr. Fauci claimed ignorance, although it was his responsibility to ensure compliance with these grants. This lack of oversight highlights the immediate need for increased accountability at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the necessity for its own inspector general.

When following the evidence, Dr. Fauci often sought counsel from questionable advisers and scientists with clear conflicts of interest.

The Federal Advisory Committee Act mandates that advice given to the federal government by advisory committees be objective, transparent, and publicly accessible. However, email records show that Dr. Fauci consulted his close network of private scientists, some of whom financially benefited from the NIH grants that Dr. Fauci oversees, and some in that group were waiting on a grant approval worth up to $9 million.

The Federal Advisory Committee Act: Why in February 2020 did Dr. Fauci hold closed advisory committee meetings with scientists who are dependent on his NIH funding, violating the Federal Advisers Committee Act’s requirements for transparency and balanced viewpoints?

Importantly, after that meeting, the Fauci-led group published the “Proximal Origins” theory, concluding that SARS-CoV-2 emerged as a ”natural virus.” Once published, Dr. Fauci seemingly embarked on a mass media cover-up and touted that opinion piece that he orchestrated as scientific fact, even referencing it from the White House podium.

Proximal Origins Theory: Dr. Fauci should be asked why he presumably used his power to manipulate science and publish factually incorrect articles to downplay the lab leak theory. Why was Dr. Fauci directing articles in science journals and pushing his debunked proximal origins theory narrative? Was his involvement so deep that he was manufacturing and rewriting history to evade the responsibility and the role he had in this virus outbreak?

Blocking FOIA Requests: It’s also curious that after Dr. Fauci was questioned by our Senate HELP committee in May 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services shut down all Freedom of Information Act requests. Was Dr. Fauci involved in any discussions for this decision? Why was that decision made?

Many people also don’t know that Dr. Fauci received two government salaries simultaneously, making him the highest-paid federal employee ever. He was both the director of the NIAID and the director of civilian biodefense, which was operating with a $6 billion budget.

Highest-Paid Federal Employee in History: Dr. Fauci should be asked to explain how the attribution of potential intentional pathogen deployment (which he was tasked to oversee and manage) is assessed and how the action plan is developed and implemented. If he can’t adequately answer these questions when asked, he should return the salary and related pension immediately.

If you think long and hard about what the LEFT and the FAUCI crowd have done think about this.  He got the woke Lefties and Democrats to suck up those CLOT SHOTS like candy!  Then he got them to play "MASK & DISTANCE" like good Nazi's.  He persuaded them to kill their children, Grandparents, partners and all their GROUP THINK friends.

Fauci alone did more to rid America of wokeness than given credit for.  

Guilty of premeditated murder?  No doubt.

The Chinese would have done the right thing.

Remember, the Biden administration forced small businesses to close during “the great panic” and attempted to force a mandate on ALL small businesses with 100,000 employees or more to force the injection of “the juice”.

Saturday, June 01, 2024

June 1, 2024 from my perch

She is not yet half over. What thrills we are seeing across the globe.

The chaos and greed to dominate the countries of the world, to make them bend to our will, thank you MIC.

The Soviet Union/Russia has no expansion interests, there is zero proof of that?  With only around a few hundred thousand dead Ukrainians and perhaps 50,000 Russians. Russia wants to remain Sovereign so they say and that is their crime? (Thank you, Larry Mattheson, for starting me on the road of USSR history.  Incidentally, Larry was the best teacher I had in high school, having attended 4 high schools in 3 states).  Hamas leadership all billionaires, they make Donald Trump look like a piker.  They had their day of fame on Oct. 7th.   Now things are a reality show.

Yes, sad for the people of Ukraine and Gaza.  It can't be any fun for nations being slaughtered by the tens of thousands, citizen pawns who are in the way of global domination. Since the United States hasn't had a military victory since WWII maybe we should look closer to home to spend our tax dollars, or should I say paper spit out by Fed printing presses. 

And Americans running around looking at their cell phones, hell they couldn't find Gaza or Ukraine on a map or even tell you the name of their state governor.  Don't believe me?   Try it.  Amaze yourself,  and learn something about your fellow Americans living off the proverbial hind teat. 

We might be cooked, too early to tell.  Don't put anything into believing America has half a brain.  Don't believe me?  Look at your President today and ask yourself if you want him anywhere near your granddaughter.  He's what America voted for?  Well, not really but the thieves won that round. 

I am still going to wave the flag on July 4th.  It may not look like the America I was raised in but it's all we got.

God bless the United States of America.  The greatest experiment the world has ever known.  Make it count on 11/5.