Documenting my current position on the COVID shot, including on the question of whether the COVID Shot is a driver of excess mortality, with content adapted from a June 2024 thread on X, plus a few personal notes. Page subject to revisions/updates and corrections.
I believe the deployment of COVID shot was/is: a crime against humanity and gross violation of fundamental rights and bodily integrity. There is no scientific or medical evidence of a coronavirus spreading suddenly from human to human, adding danger of severe illness or death and requiring special treatments or a dedicated injection. injurious or fatal to millions of children & adults around the world and inherently risky to the mental and/or physical well-being of all who were injected with it. morally/ethically wrong irrespective of other harms because it was rooted in lies about a new transmissible disease and what the shot was and could do or did do for recipients. All claims about necessity, safety, and efficacy were false. illegally executed. Recognizing that experts in each nation or jurisdiction are in the best position to assess legality, I do not see how any recipient of the COVID shot in any country - irrespective of the recipient’s willingness - could have granted informed consent. Consent was not properly or sufficiently informed.¹ fueled by fear-based campaigns. I’m hard-pressed to conjure a reason an individual would have received the initial COVID injection or subsequent boosters that is not related to fear-inducing lies, propaganda, and mandates from government, health agencies, and related industries - be it fear of a getting or spreading a virus/illness, fear of not being able to do something or go somewhere, fear of losing a job/income, fear of being shamed not appearing virtuous, fear of losing relationships or social status, etc.
I am unpersuaded that the COVID shot is a primary driver of excess death, for the following reasons: I do not trust the daily all-cause death curves of any country and suspect that some, if not many, are manipulated.² Until a country substantiates the number of deaths it claims occurred on each day, regardless of cause, with basic publicly-accessible death records that include decedent name, date of death, place of death, and causes attributed, its data should be regarded as potentially distorted.³ It’s highly unlikely that the same countries who have lied about there being a global pandemic emergency - and played all manner of data games to hide myriad sins - are telling the truth about all-cause mortality. After spring 2020, the factors influencing health and mortality are too numerous, compounded, and cumulative to be disentangled. This is intentional and likely affords the government and pharmaceutical numerous protections (for the time being). As far as I know, no studies have attempted to account for other seasonal injections adults received in between or concurrent to the COVID shot, or for the cumulative effects of seasonal shots on the immune system - especially the systems of older adults. This is a critical error of omission, especially since the annual flu shot has enjoyed relatively low scrutiny and unwarranted benefit-of-the-doubt.⁴
In my opinion, governing authorities and national/global agencies are relatively “fine” with COVID shot criticism & discussion at this point because it directs attention away from the initial Democidal fraud event of 2020, including the WHO’s bogus pandemic declaration, it leaves intact the claim that something was suddenly spreading from person to person; it gives various officials & politicians an acceptable way to redeem themselves from their “COVID response” failures and hypocrisies without having to address tougher questions about whether there was a pandemic at all; and Fait accompli. The COVID shot accomplished what it was supposed to accomplish.
Expanding a bit on the last point, I believe SARS-CoV-2 (whatever it is) and its corresponding shot were decoys, effectively, and themselves “countermeasures” for serious, ongoing, and compounding problems created by the flu shot and other vaccines and (possibly) fentanyl in the recreational and illicit drug supplies, and contaminated vaping agents. This is not to say there weren’t other, broader, longstanding motives for “Operation COVID” on the part of one or more groups of people & sectors, including (but not limited to): A general desire to on-ramp the mRNA platform (beyond trying to fix flu shot problems) Infusing pharmaceutical and other industries/systems with cash Return on Investment (ROI) for years of pandemic/bioterrorism preparedness Culling the elderly and other sub-groups who draw from or are dependent on government programs Achieving Digital ID/digital currency and biosurveillance goals Trying to control the number of people on Earth Hubristic and dangerous aspirations within philanthropic circles about disease eradication
I differ from other analysts regarding motive in that I believe there were real problems related to illness/disease, chronic conditions, and mortality within & across age groups before 2020 that the U.S. in particular was trying to hide & “solve” because those problems were largely government’s fault. A staged global pandemic helped - and is still helping - shield government, its private partnerships, and other parties from significant liabilities. I refrain from using the term ‘bioweapon’ to characterize the COVID shot for reasons I explained here: Wood House 76In this post, I transfer two Twitter threads with my layperson’s opinion on use of the term ‘bioweapon’ in the COVID discussion and the question of whether the U.S. government activated ‘vaccine’ countermeasures in response to SARS-CoV-2. (I made some adjustments for readability and added some content here and there… a month ago · 51 likes · 9 comments · Jessica Hockett Personal NotesI did not receive the COVID shot, nor do I recall telling anyone outside of my immediate family whether they should get it. My main arguments against vaccine mandates, passports, and coercion are religious in nature and similar to those I invoked in objections to mask mandates. Ethically, legally, and biblically, it’s a question of who has authority over an individual’s body and in what circumstances. (In most cases, NOT government.) I followed Illinois and Chicago COVID shot data very closely in 2021-2022 and concluded there was no basis for any of the claims authorities made regarding efficacy or the “threat” posed by unvaccinated individuals. I captured the Chicago Department of Public Health’s shenanigans with definitions and disappearing of data. I lost interest in following “vaccination” statistics because the COVID case definition creates analysis problems that are near-impossible to resolve. I actively opposed all mandates and coercive tactics related to the COVID shot - and to mask mandates, which served as social-psychological “training wheels” for the shots. I was involved in publicity, data analysis, and testimony in several cases involving mandates. (Also mentioned here.) I haven’t attended more funerals or known more people who have died in 2020 or the years since than I did prior to 2020, regardless of cause. I don’t personally know anyone whose death is suspected of being related to the COVID shot. Regarding injuries or adverse events: I had several female friends who told me about menstrual cycle issues following the shot; another female friend recently shared that she’s been diagnosed with myocarditis and believes the shot is the culprit. A doctor I know treated a teen boy who was enrolled in the Pfizer booster trial. (Story told in thread here.) I support the research and advocacy efforts of those who are working tirelessly to expose the evils and harms of the COVID shot. I observe a tendency among some to blame the injection and contents thereof for an incredible and unlikely range of health problems, conditions, and types of death. As a result of events in 2020 and 2021, I’ve come to realize that requiring a vaccine or medical treatment as a condition of attending work, school, public access, or movement within a country is fundamentally wrong and should be illegal. Restricting movement between countries is more complicated because countries do have the power (and responsibility) to control the people and goods crossing their borders. Without strong evidence that a vaccine prevents an illness, transmission of an illness, and poses very low risk to the recipients, the legal foundation for requiring any vaccine to travel or move to a country is weak.
1The same could be said with most shots/vaccines. I don’t remember being told of the potential risks to me or my unborn first child when the Ob/Gyn told me I needed the flu shot, for example. For 2It only takes one city in a country to render the all cause daily curve in the country manipulated. If NYC is a distortion in timing or magnitude, then the U.S. curve is as well. The same would be true for Bergamo and Italy and (if applicable) London and the UK, Madrid and Span, etc. It works the other direction too with countries or cities which reported suspiciously low/below normal death in spring 2020, i.e., New Zealand, Australia, Germany |
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