CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Friday, March 14, 2025

Joe Kernen, CNBC

Dear Joe,

If you are ever in the golf capital of Tennessee, we have the course of your choice covered!  You are like fine wine! The longer you remain on CNBC and batter these liberal nutjobs like you did today to Jeff Sonnenfeld, the more viewers will watch you! 

What a complete take-down of Yale's finest liberal wacko!

You, Leon Cooperman, Ray Dalio, and a few others are the only people we turn the volume on when we watch CNBC in the Parisian Family Office.  

Your career has wed common sense, great politics, a stiff attitude, intelligent discourse, and tremendous humor for decades.   

When you quit, I quit.  Keep hammering the lunatics!

With best wishes to the Kernen crew,

Dean Parisian

Thursday, March 13, 2025

President Trump, when is the audit?


Death of the New America High Income Fund

The New America High Income Bond Fund, (HYB) was a fund whose sole purpose was to continue to supply compensation to all concerned with the fund. Shareholders have been bagged in this name since Patsy Ostrander became part of the "daisy chain" at Drexel Burnham Lambert. From coming public at $50 per share to the 2008 low of $3.20 this fund has to be one of the top, dismal, miserable, unbelievably crappy funds ever to exist. It was run for the sole benefit of the insiders over all those years. What an ugly history of greed and corruption, to say nothing of poor management by whatever clown shop was in charge until it folded last month.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Stock Market

Amazed how many calls have lit up my phone over a few days of selling.  

Would you please relax?  You haven't seen anything yet.   When you have so much fear you can't even pick up the phone to call me, you will want to start working on your "buy" list.

We have some minor pullback action, entirely warranted, overdue, and much anticipated.  Stock prices don't go to the moon boys and girls.  There are metrics in valuation that you might heed but are worthless in an onslaught of selling pressure.  

Please watch and listen to this YOUTUBE video to familiarize yourself with real fear and stocks getting puked out of portfolios with heavy leverage.   I am scared of the carry trade crowd, not the school teacher in Mandaree, Crow Agency, or Pickstown.   

FEAR in the Stock Market, LIVE!

I did purchase one name a couple days ago.

I bought 10,000 shares of Cleveland-Cliffs, CLF, at $8.625.  Wish me luck.

I have no idea on the stock market,  I know I own some good management teams, with good growth prospects, with good industry fundamentals.  Greed and fear haven't gone out of style for about 10,000 years and shares don't know I own them and wouldnt' behave any differently if they did.

I like where President Trump is going.  I am investing in that direction. 

I get fleeced every day when I trade just as you do.  Expect it and live with it.

Educate yourself, your commissions are not "FREE".

NO ONE Understands the Market

Friday, March 07, 2025

Gutless wonders at the SEC and FINRA

FINRA is the fox guarding the hen house.   You see, the hen house has the hens that lay the golden eggs.  The NYSE was toast after (it's anniversary today), March 7, 2006 of no longer being owned by seat holders.  Today, it's been 19 years since the club sold out to other exchanges, dark pools, and HFT firms!    

For over a decade I sat as a public arbitrator in proceedings between aggrieved parties, brokers, brokerage firms, and client/customers until the day all of the arbs in the NYSE and FINRA pools who were unbiased, fiduciary members/owners/employees of investment management firms were tossed out of the arb pools!  It was shocking to hear but expected.  

When the fox is guarding the hen house and the game warden can't protect the hens from honesty and truth, the house will do what they must to keep feeding the fox.    

Here is more nonsense from regulators taking a few steps backward! 

Joe Saluzzi is and has been at the forefront of market manipulation by HFT.  Read his Substack here: 


Tell me again why you wouldn't want the information to catch bad guys.

It's lonely at the top..........

Most days I get tired of winning.   It's lonely at the top.   Trying to share over 40 years of market experience with people who spend more time reading a newspaper than studying price action is futile.  Nobody wants to do the work.  Nobody wants to adopt an investment strategy.  Nobody believes the purpose of markets is to take from the weak and give to the strong.  Nobody wants to believe down markets are always TEMPORARY and the ups are always PERMANENT.

We have had a tremendous week at the Parisian crib.

We booked our largest gain on a private investment position (a multi-year long) in history!

Beat the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue at their own game.

We've had excellent workouts!

Had some delicious meals.

Started two rock tumblers with some beautiful petrified wood and agates.

Picked up some great reading material.

Scored the bull elk over the fireplace. (Boone & Crockett GROSS score of 354)

Made a 6 figure donation to what we think is the finest charity in the world.

Planned some outings with friends in Mexico.

Taxes are near completion. 

Celebrated our wedding anniversary!

That's just to name a few!  Yet the hoodlum critters in D.C. can't come up with 5 things they did in their jobs over 5 days?  GMAFB...........  

Oh, one more!  Watched the greatest President of my lifetime deliver some stunning blows to the Democrat clowns in Congress and the Senate!



Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Like Father, Like Son



Vivek speaking TRUTH


1. God is real. 
2. There are two genders. 
3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels. 
4. Reverse racism is racism. 
5. An open border is no border. 
6. Parents determine the education of their children. 
7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind. 
8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty. 
9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four. 
10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedom in history.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

A.G. Pam Bondi on March 1, 2025


The Attorney General of the United States, Pam Bondi, told America there were over 250 victims.

Any arrests yet?      

I know the answer.

None today.

None tomorrow.

None in all the tomorrows ahead.

Simple question from Dean Parisian.  If America has to protect pedophiles as a matter of national security, perhaps now is the time to reconsider our national priorities.

Bondi is cut from the same cloth as Amy Coney Barrett!

Democratic Filth in Crossville, TN

The Democrat crazies were out in force today.   The liberals decided to make a few placards and join forces in front of the Cumberland County Court House today to let the populace know they can spell.  

To be a Democrat, you literally have to care more about power, position, and personal enrichment than you do about our country and her people. No sane person would think destroying America's sovereignty with open borders was good, or that rampant crime and drugs pouring in and killing Americans was fine - or that almost bankrupting our country for wealth and permanent power was acceptable or that chopping off genitals of adolescents was decent.  Democrats argue in favor of keeping fraud and waste of taxpayers' money. The party of boys competing against girls. The party of teaching preschoolers to be "trans" in school. The party of voter fraud and cheating at the ballot box. The party of Epstein and Diddy. The party who wanted 87,000 more IRS agents.

You see, the Democrats are corrupt Marxists who want perpetual power and slaves as citizens.  Democrats can't compete or win on ideas, talent, or skill. Thus, the need to rig elections, steal money, and hire morons based on DEI policies. It's not just that their politics are bad. Democrats are generally dishonest people who are incapable of advancement while planning Presidential coups and working against the Federal Government and United States taxpayers.  They love the Ukrainian drug snorting dictator who has squandered $150,000,000,000 of United States taxpayer assets and has no record of where it was spent.  They put all Americans last and give the world our tax dollars. 

Here is Sen. John Kennedy on the Democrats: “They mismanaged COVID. They mismanaged the economy. They mismanaged inflation. They mismanaged the national debt. They mismanaged Afghanistan. They support illegal immigration over the rule of law, just like they support transgender athletes over women's sports, just like they support Hamas terrorists over Israel. The party is controlled right now by people who majored in online activism with a minor in puberty blockers. They think men can breastfeed. They're triggered by race. They cry if you use the wrong pronoun.”

Democrats had power for four years. They kept Biden, with full-blown dementia, in office and showed their true colors — censorship, political oppression, corruption, propaganda, lawfare, and theft. The American people rejected all that. 

They blew it. 

I miss anything?

Friday, February 28, 2025

Attorney General Pam Bondi and TRUST

This was a total botch of a rollout. Trust has been eroded.  Pam Bondi misled the American people.  You don't release official government documents to social media influencers. This has made a mockery of her office at the DOJ and the FBI.  They should have set up an official link for all Americans to access via the internet.

So this was nothing more than a photo-op?  Pam Bondi is now claiming the FBI is hiding files from her.  Where I come from, this has just turned into one big clusterfuck of disinformation to throw off the American people.

If it was mostly just information that is already public, why on Earth waste the time and money to put it in fancy binders? What happened to Pam Bondi's interview where she said it was "sick" and that we'd be "shocked?"  Only 250 victims of sex trafficking and the rape of minors and we get PHASE 1?    

What we saw was a bunch of opportunistic “influencers” laughing about the contents of a binder that was supposed to expose child rapists. We are neither amused at their humor nor impressed by the evidence that materialized yesterday.

So Bondi only found out that "the FBI is still withholding documentation" after the public release from an FBI whistleblower? And not until AFTER she handed out the big, white, official-looking red herring loose-leaf binders calling it PHASE 1? 

This is not a glitch; this is a disaster. A huge fail.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.   Trust in Pam Bondi has vanished.

I have never forgotten.  On my first day in law school, we were told there is no justice.  We were told that justice is only how good your attorneys are.

America needs a new attorney.   Trust is gone.  

Monday, February 24, 2025

SAFARI, 2025

Come along for a couple of weeks on the African continent in the beautiful country of Tanzania. It was a great ride, and I would rank it a top-five adventure for the Parisian Family.  Yes, it's good to go, but it's great to be home in the United States of America.  With over 8 billion humans on the planet and over 345,000,000 now in America, you have about a 1 in 24 shot just at being an American! Imagine how lucky you are.  You have opportunity, freedom, education, free speech, freedom of religion, a diverse geography, great healthcare, and world-class infrastructure. It is endless.  There are big rewards for ambition, freedom, and innovation in America.  

You can do whatever you want in America.  The Creator has blessed you for being an American.  

Nine time zones separate the Nashville, Tennessee airport from the airport in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.  If you don't know jet lag it is tough on the body.  The older I get the more impact it seems to have.  We left Nashville, changed planes in Atlanta, boarded a Delta flight in a Boeing 787 to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, and again, changed aircraft, boarding a KLM (Dutch carrier) 787 flight for another 8-hour flight to Kilimanjaro.   It made for a long 24 hours!  I was very impressed with the service and the great food on the KLM leg. 

My first job out of college was working for one of Curt Carlson's many companies in Minneapolis, Performance Incentive Corporation as a trip director helping companies send their top people to exotic places as a reward for being big hitters in their respective companies.  It was a job I will never forget.   To interview, I had bought a new suit but didn't get a great haircut as I had been trapping beaver most of the spring, so when I walked in with my resume the lady at the front desk was rather inattentive and asked me why I thought I should get an interview when the massive bookcase behind her was full of resumes just like mine.  I replied very off-the-cuff that I was the guy they were looking for.  I am forever grateful to Patti Schullo for arranging an interview with the President, Dennis Callister, and for giving me a shot.

All I wanted was a chance. 

Those trips overseas taught me about life.   Top hitters at companies were approachable, fun, had beautiful wives, and expected success.  I had one major fiasco during my time there that was my fault.  We had gotten into a European restaurant to have lunch much later than planned after an excursion, it was hot, and everyone was thirsty and hungry.  The restaurant was understaffed and because of my outstanding collegiate training in tapping beer kegs, I got on the stick, tapped a keg, and started pouring beer to the hot and thirsty.  I wasn't a pro at delivering beer off a serving tray by any means and proceeded to spill a couple of cold beers directly down the back of the President of Toyota America!   His wife jumped to my defense and cooled him down while apologizing profusely for my ineptitude as a waiter.   I have never waited tables again.   

We landed at Kilimanjaro airport and were driven to our hotel in Arusha about an hour away.   It was late in the evening and our bodies, given the 9-hour time differential were telling us to wake up and start the day!    Exhausted, we hit the pillows and awoke in daylight.  Opened the curtain to the morning sun and was looking at Mt. Meru, the 2nd tallest mountain in Tanzania and the 5th tallest in Africa at about 15,000 feet above sea level.   Mt. Kilimanjaro is the tallest.  

Tanzania is 365,794 square miles and is the 13th largest country in Africa, the 31st largest in the world. To give you a sense of comparison, the state of TEXAS is 268,596 square miles and Tanzania is roughly double the size of California! The country's population is about 70,000,000 people and is concentrated in a couple of areas. This is a staggering number to consider when 38% of the country is a National Park!

The state of TN has over 42,000 square miles. The national parks in Tanzania are over 38,000 square miles, which is a relative

Tanzania is one of the oldest continuously inhabited areas on Earth. Traces of fossil remains of humans and hominids date back to the Quaternary era. Here are some of the oldest footprints on the planet.

I want to give you my impression of the country. Those of you who've traveled in Tanzania may have a different view.  

We hired a safari company to ferret us around and were lucky.  We had probably the finest Land Cruiser driver in the nation.  Mr. Kimondo was his name! He knew animals, he knew birds, he knew reptiles.  He was a great driver and we had a lot of fun covering hundreds and hundreds of miles, maybe thousands but everything was done in hours.  Hours to get here, hours to get there.  The game drives were on the nastiest roads and we didn't see a lick of pavement for over a week.  They call it getting an "AFRICAN MASSAGE" after sitting in a Land Rover all day getting tossed about!  

We went to Tanzania on a photo safari and brought cameras and binoculars.  Our gang is always on top of their game trying to come up with the best "spot" of the trip. Our family was blessed with good eyes.  

We took thousands of pictures, so let's look at what Tanzania is about!
Giraffes were many.   Fairly easy to distinguish females from males.  Immense size, always eating.
Nasty critters.  Don't get near one.  They kill more Africans than lions.  Temperament of a woman scorned.  Cape Buffalo
                 This was a group of bachelor males.  Young and hungry.  Cheetah. 
                                                  A species of Bishop birds.
Rhino's were hard to get near to.  Wary, don't like people.  
                Momma gazelle in action.  We all started somewhere. 
Saw a great number of lions.  Average pride was 6 to 10.   Did see a pride of 18.  They sleep most of the day and feed when they get hungry.  Eat and sleep, repeat!
Territorial.  The biggest killer of humans in Africa.  Hippos feed at night and cover a wide area eating vegetation.  Massive trails out of water holes.
                                     Plenty of youngsters closely watched by Mom. 
                                     Everywhere.  Look for shade, you'll find lions.
                                            Warthogs.  Found everywhere.

           Saw a few leopards.  They attract a crowd.  Tough to get good pictures.
   For the number of lions we saw I wasn't sure there were many old, mature males around.   This was the oldest we saw.   
Males have a good group of females.  Bachelors like this guy wait to grow up and lead the herd!
                             Birds were gorgeous across the Serengeti.   Colorful.

                              Mom Cheetah had 3 youngsters and was moving them gently.
                   Don't even think about getting close to these rank behemoths. 
2 to 3 million animals move across the Serengeti during migration.  It is hard to catch, via camera, the size of the herds.   Drones are illegal. From horizon to horizon the herds stretched.  Hard to fathom.
                                       Mom and baby
                           Hyena's. Powerful, shy, nasty, opportunistic canines. 
                  Grey-crowned cranes.  Not a better-looking crane on Earth.
Wildebeest.  I wasn't aware that so many wildebeest calves are left behind as the migration moves.  We saw several lost and would soon be a meal for hyenas and lions. 

                                   Wary Ostrich.  Didn't get close to them.

                               Eat, eat and eat.   
                             Playtime for the kids.
                                    Lichensteins Hartebeest
                               Secretary bird.  They walk miles daily.
                                  Dung beetle
Remains go fast.  Many vulture species have massive wing spans.
                      Like coyotes, they can't be domesticated.  

                          Look close at the lion damage on this hippo!

                                      Turtles were fairly common.
Dirt airstrip!
This big girl had cubs below her and was very nervous.  She had killed a small antelope and had it in a tree close to her.  Can you see the antelope in this tree?

Bird nests in Africa are like Monets or Picasso's!

Crocodiles were numerous.

Impressive rigs.  Not much plastic,  fueled by diesel.   They take a beating on the rough roads and being all metal they are built like a tank.
Looking into the Ngorongoro Crater, a massive volcanic caldera teeming with wildlife, often called Africa’s “Garden of Eden.”

We did see bat-eared fox, jackals, and hyenas everywhere, impala, a couple of mongoose, one big snake, zero rabbits, zero squirrels, lots of eagles, hawks, geese, ducks, grebes, dik-diks, shorebirds, flamingoes, black and white Colobus monkeys, vervet monkeys, eland, bushbuck and probably a million wildebeest. 

In no particular order here were my take-aways.

Drove hundreds of miles, and didn't see a fence.   Didn't see any litter, no paper, cigarette butts, zero, none.    Went 600 miles before I saw my first plastic Coke bottle in the ditch.  No high-fructose corn syrup in Tanzania therefore no obesity in Tanzania.  No tattoos.   A happy, warm, mostly bi-lingual people, speaking English and Swahili, proud of their nation.  Tanzania’s economy leans on agriculture—coffee, tea, cotton, and sisal are the big exports, and over 60% of people farm or fish for a living. Gold mining is a cash cow, ranking it among Africa’s top producers. Tourism is massive—Mt. Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti Plain, and the island of Zanzibar pull in over a million visitors yearly.  Poverty is everywhere, per capita income hovers below $1,200, so it’s still a developing nation.   The Swahili phrase Hakuna Matata, from The Lion King, really means “no worries” here.

It was a long haul back to the United States.  Here is our approach into Atlanta from the belly of an AIRFRANCE 787.  Listen to the applause upon landing in the greatest experiment in the world, America!  

Thank you for coming along to see some of Africa.  It was unforgettable.  My real beauty was being with the people I love the most.  The people of Tanzania were remarkable.  Yet, we all live here. 

Check us out!