Sunday, January 19, 2025

So Long Biden............

The filth, the lies, the corruption are over.

The TRUMP SuperStore in Knoxville, TN was packed yesterday when I drove by on my way to COSTCO.

I was amazed that so many COSTCO employees I talked to yesterday did not own shares in the company. I bought another chunk of shares on Friday morning when the stock was up a couple of bucks. It closed up about $23. I own three properties, and all are within driving distance of a COSTCO store. The farthest is Montana, where the store is only a couple hours away.

We have cooler weather coming in the next couple of days and burning oak faster than flights to Epsteins PEDO island by the scum bag politicians.   I love a great fireplace and this one is hard to beat. 

It's snowing in Dixie today, the pines are getting white.

One more day before 47 takes charge.  

God Bless America. 

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