CEO, Parisian Family Office. Began Wall Street 1982. Drexel Burnham Lambert alum. Founded investment firm, Native American Advisors, '95. White Earth Chippewa, raised on reservations. Conservative. NYSE/FINRA arbitrator. Pureblood, clot-shot free. In a world on a social media dopamine binge, he trades from GHOST RANCH on the Yellowstone River in MT, TN farm, PAMELOT or CASA TULE', his winter camp in Los Cabos, Mexico. Always been, will always be, an optimist. Answer to no one.

Friday, March 07, 2025

Gutless wonders at the SEC and FINRA

FINRA is the fox guarding the hen house.   The NYSE was toast after (it's anniversary today), March 7, 2006 of no longer being owned by seat holders.  Today it's been 19 years since the club sold out to other exchanges, dark pools, and HFT firms!    

For over a decade I sat as a public arbitrator in proceedings between aggrieved parties, brokers, brokerage firms, and client/customers until the day all of the arbs in the NYSE and FINRA pools who were unbiased, fiduciary members/owners/employees of investment management firms were tossed out of the arb pools!  It was shocking to hear but expected.  

When the fox is guarding the hen house and the game warden can't protect the hens from honesty and truth, the hen house will do what they must do to keep feeding the fox.    

Here is some more nonsense from them taking a few steps backward! 


Tell me again why you wouldn't want the information to catch bad guys.

It's lonely at the top..........

Most days I get tired of winning.   It's lonely at the top.   Trying to share over 40 years of market experience with people who spend more time reading a newspaper than studying price action is futile.  Nobody wants to do the work.  Nobody wants to adopt an investment strategy.  Nobody believes the purpose of markets is to take from the weak and give to the strong.  Nobody wants to believe down markets are always TEMPORARY and the ups are always PERMANENT.

We have had a tremendous week at the Parisian crib.

We booked our largest gain on a private investment position (a multi-year long) in history!

Beat the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue at their own game.

We've had excellent workouts!

Had some delicious meals.

Started two rock tumblers with some beautiful petrified wood and agates.

Picked up some great reading material.

Scored the bull elk over the fireplace. (Boone & Crockett GROSS score of 354)

Made a 6 figure donation to what we think is the finest charity in the world.

Planned some outings with friends in Mexico.

Taxes are near completion. 

Celebrated our wedding anniversary!

That's just to name a few!  Yet the hoodlum critters in D.C. can't come up with 5 things they did in their jobs over 5 days?  GMAFB...........  

Oh, one more!  Watched the greatest President of my lifetime deliver some stunning blows to the Democrat clowns in Congress and the Senate!



Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Like Father, Like Son



Vivek speaking TRUTH


1. God is real. 
2. There are two genders. 
3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels. 
4. Reverse racism is racism. 
5. An open border is no border. 
6. Parents determine the education of their children. 
7. The nuclear family is the greatest form of governance known to mankind. 
8. Capitalism lifts people up from poverty. 
9. There are three branches of the U.S. government, not four. 
10. The U.S. Constitution is the strongest guarantor of freedom in history.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

March 1, 2025


The Attorney General of the United States, Pam Bondi, told America there were over 250 victims.

Any arrests yet?      

I know the answer.

None today.

None tomorrow.

None in all the tomorrows ahead.

Democratic Filth in Crossville, TN

The Democrat crazies were out in force today.   The liberals decided to make a few placards and join forces in front of the Cumberland County Court House today to let the populace know they can spell.  

To be a Democrat, you literally have to care more about power, position, and personal enrichment than you do about our country and her people. No sane person would think destroying America's sovereignty with open borders was good, or that rampant crime and drugs pouring in and killing Americans was fine - or that almost bankrupting our country for wealth and permanent power was acceptable or that chopping off genitals of adolescents was decent.  Democrats argue in favor of keeping fraud and waste of taxpayers' money. The party of boys competing against girls. The party of teaching preschoolers to be "trans" in school. The party of voter fraud and cheating at the ballot box. The party of Epstein and Diddy. The party who wanted 87,000 more IRS agents.

You see, the Democrats are corrupt Marxists who want perpetual power and slaves as citizens.  Democrats can't compete or win on ideas, talent, or skill. Thus, the need to rig elections, steal money, and hire morons based on DEI policies. It's not just that their politics are bad. Democrats are generally dishonest people who are incapable of advancement while planning Presidential coups and working against the Federal Government and United States taxpayers.  They love the Ukrainian drug snorting dictator who has squandered $150,000,000,000 of United States taxpayer assets and has no record of where it was spent.  They put all Americans last and give the world our tax dollars. 

Here is Sen. John Kennedy on the Democrats: “They mismanaged COVID. They mismanaged the economy. They mismanaged inflation. They mismanaged the national debt. They mismanaged Afghanistan. They support illegal immigration over the rule of law, just like they support transgender athletes over women's sports, just like they support Hamas terrorists over Israel. The party is controlled right now by people who majored in online activism with a minor in puberty blockers. They think men can breastfeed. They're triggered by race. They cry if you use the wrong pronoun.”

Democrats had power for four years. They kept Biden, with full-blown dementia, in office and showed their true colors — censorship, political oppression, corruption, propaganda, lawfare, and theft. The American people rejected all that. 

They blew it. 

I miss anything?