Saturday, March 01, 2025

Democratic Filth in Crossville, TN

The Democrat crazies were out in force today.   The liberals decided to make a few placards and join forces in front of the Cumberland County Court House today to let the populace know they can spell.  

To be a Democrat, you literally have to care more about power, position, and personal enrichment than you do about our country and her people. No sane person would think destroying America's sovereignty with open borders was good, or that rampant crime and drugs pouring in and killing Americans was fine - or that almost bankrupting our country for wealth and permanent power was acceptable or that chopping off genitals of adolescents was decent.  Democrats argue in favor of keeping fraud and waste of taxpayers' money. The party of boys competing against girls. The party of teaching preschoolers to be "trans" in school. The party of voter fraud and cheating at the ballot box. The party of Epstein and Diddy. The party who wanted 87,000 more IRS agents.

You see, the Democrats are corrupt Marxists who want perpetual power and slaves as citizens.  Democrats can't compete or win on ideas, talent, or skill. Thus, the need to rig elections, steal money, and hire morons based on DEI policies. It's not just that their politics are bad. Democrats are generally dishonest people who are incapable of advancement while planning Presidential coups and working against the Federal Government and United States taxpayers.  They love the Ukrainian drug snorting dictator who has squandered $150,000,000,000 of United States taxpayer assets and has no record of where it was spent.  They put all Americans last and give the world our tax dollars. 

Here is Sen. John Kennedy on the Democrats: “They mismanaged COVID. They mismanaged the economy. They mismanaged inflation. They mismanaged the national debt. They mismanaged Afghanistan. They support illegal immigration over the rule of law, just like they support transgender athletes over women's sports, just like they support Hamas terrorists over Israel. The party is controlled right now by people who majored in online activism with a minor in puberty blockers. They think men can breastfeed. They're triggered by race. They cry if you use the wrong pronoun.”

Democrats had power for four years. They kept Biden, with full-blown dementia, in office and showed their true colors — censorship, political oppression, corruption, propaganda, lawfare, and theft. The American people rejected all that. 

They blew it. 

I miss anything?

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