Most days I get tired of winning. It's lonely at the top. Trying to share over 40 years of market experience with people who spend more time reading a newspaper than studying price action is futile. Nobody wants to do the work. Nobody wants to adopt an investment strategy. Nobody believes the purpose of markets is to take from the weak and give to the strong. Nobody wants to believe down markets are always TEMPORARY and the ups are always PERMANENT.
We have had a tremendous week at the Parisian crib.
We booked our largest gain on a private investment position (a multi-year long) in history!
Beat the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue at their own game.
We've had excellent workouts!
Had some delicious meals.
Started two rock tumblers with some beautiful petrified wood and agates.
Picked up some great reading material.
Scored the bull elk over the fireplace. (Boone & Crockett GROSS score of 354)
Made a 6 figure donation to what we think is the finest charity in the world.
Planned some outings with friends in Mexico.
Taxes are near completion.
Celebrated our wedding anniversary!
That's just to name a few! Yet the hoodlum critters in D.C. can't come up with 5 things they did in their jobs over 5 days? GMAFB...........
Oh, one more! Watched the greatest President of my lifetime deliver some stunning blows to the Democrat clowns in Congress and the Senate!
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